
Previous PGM Courses:

Carlos Guestrin's Course on Probabilistic Graphical Models: <Lectures>

Eric Xing's Course on Probabilistic Graphical Models: <Lectures>

Noah Smith's Course on Probabilistic Graphical Models: <Lectures>

Michael Jordan's Course on Bayesian Modeling and Inference: <Lectures, Readings>

Book material:

Christopher Bishop's Book Chapter on Graphical Models: <Chapter>

Christopher Bishop's Slides on Graphical Models: <Slides>

Daphne Koller and Nir Friedman's Figures from their PGM Book: <Figures>


Gregor Heinrich's notes on Bayesian parameter estimation: <Paper>

David MacKay's intro to Monte Carlo methods: <Paper>

Jason Eisner's high-level explanation of variational methods: <Webpage>

Jordan et al.'s tutorial on variational methods for PGMs: <Paper>

Kevin Knight's tutorial on Bayesian Inference: <Paper>

Resnik and Hardisty's tutorial on MCMC: <Paper>