Synagogue in Brezno, Slovakia

April 27, 2019

the exhibition was held together with the music-literary presentation of Danubius Octet Singers and the actor Juraj Hrcka and was entitled "We had the falcon ...". The male choir with this name was composed by Mikuláš Schneider-Trnavský for the ceremonial unveiling of the cairn of brigade general Dr. M.R.Štefánik on Bradlo hill in 1928. This, as well as other authentic Slovak, Czech and French male choir compositions, were presented by Danubius Octet Singers at a gala concert to mark the 100th anniversary of the tragic death of one of the most influential people in the history of the Slovak nation. Personal memories and diaries of the general Štefánik were read by young Slovak actor Juraj Hrčka.