Peter Ondruš, Iveta Ondrušová a spol.: Management and Financing in Healthcare: Handbook of a Health Care Manager

First edition 2017; Slovak language; category: medicine and healthcare; 352 pages; illustrations, graphs, and tables; format 17 x 24 cm; laminated paperback; ISBN 978-80-972535-9-2

One of the key roles of the government in health care is to provide effective management and financing for health-related institutions. Managers from all organizational levels are confronted daily with the realities and challenges that must be addressed to ensure the smooth running of their organizations. The book “Management and Financing in Healthcare: Handbook of a Health Care Manager” was prepared to aid healthcare professionals and managers in familiarizing themselves with topics such as:

    • Main characteristics of population health and health policy

    • Healthcare in the Slovak Republic

    • Management of healthcare organizations

    • Information and information systems

    • Training and management of health workforce

    • Strategic management

    • Quality management

    • Ethical and legal aspects of healthcare delivery

    • Healthcare financing

    • Financial management

    • Basic principles of marketing of healthcare organization

    • Crisis management

    • Pharmacoeconomics methods

Each chapter is supported by descriptive pictures, tables and graphs, which will help readers get better acquainted with the topics as well their inter-relations. The information provided in this book should serve as an introduction and comprehensive overview of the fundamental issues of management and financing in the healthcare system. Readers may seek further detail of the discussed topics by consulting the referred publications.

The authors hope, that the book will become a useful tool for a new generation of healthcare managers, and that it will assist students of medicine, nursing, healthcare management, MPH as well as the general public in acquiring basic knowledge in the field of management and financing in health care.

Peter Ondruš a spol.: The Chapters of International Public Health

First edition 2015; Slovak language; category: medicine and healthcare; 278 pages, illustrations, graphs, and tables; format 17 x 24 cm; laminated paperback; ISBN 978-80-971965-4-7

“The Chapters of International Public Health” were written by reputable experts in public health from Slovakia and Czech Republic. The book is divided into 20 chapters discussing the following topics:

    • Introduction to international public health

    • Health 2020

    • Global burden of diseases

    • Counterfeiting of medicines and antibiotics

    • Antimicrobial resistance

    • Biological weapons and bioterrorism

    • Access to drinking water and basic sanitation

    • The nutrition of the population

    • Waste management from healthcare activities

    • Environmental pollution

    • Actual issues of women's and children's health

    • Population ageing

    • Issues of alcohol, tobacco and drugs abuse

    • Mental health disorders

    • Refugee health

    • Medical and surgical missions

    • Health tourism

    • Education and migration of health professionals

    • Health promotion and health literacy

    • Global health governance and ethics

The chapters are supported by descriptive pictures, tables and graphs which will help readers to understand better the topics as well their inter-relations. The information provided in this book should serve as an introduction to the issues, since modern communication tools such as the internet can provide the readers with further knowledge based on the attached lists of publications. Similarly to the first book, the authors used important scientific manuals published by World Health Organization. The continuing effort of the authors is to provide students of medicine, nursing, healthcare management, MPH as well as the general public who are interested in these topics with updated information on the health issues from an international perspective.

Peter Ondruš: World Health Systems and Globalization

First edition 2014; Slovak language; category: medicine and healthcare; 320 pages, illustrations, graphs, and tables; format 17 x 24 cm; laminated paperback; ISBN 978-80-89057-47-4

World Health Systems and Globalization is an overview of international health care systems, providing insight for medical and nursing students, health care providers and managers into the diversity of medical care approaches around the world. Possessing a well-rounded perspective on global public health care is important for those involved in this field, especially since it is increasingly characterized by integrative approaches and influenced by present-age globalization trends. Modern technologies, international cooperation, free markets and the transfer of products, workforce and diseases across borders have created a new dimension of international health and a need for an integrative health care approach beyond the borders of individual countries. The purpose of this book is not to overwhelm its readers with a copious amount of information, but rather to introduce current issues within healthcare and various approaches for dealing with these issues in countries across the globe within the context of their respective healthcare care structures.

The book is divided into three main sections, with the introductory section listing basic characteristics of health care systems and tools for their evaluation, as well as methods for their modernization. The second section focuses on descriptions of more than 60 individual nation’s healthcare systems, using graphs to compare various parameters in order to provide readers with a quick and clear overview of various characteristics. The last section is dedicated to exploring globalization trends such as medical tourism and migration of health professionals, brain drain and brain waste.

The goal of this publication is to provide readers with a general overview of how individual nations approach and solve healthcare issues. Recognizing that many nations deal with the same problems of growing populations and rising costs within changing demographic parameters such as ageing populations and the occurrence of chronic diseases resulting from unhealthy lifestyles, possible solutions for these pressing issues call for an international effort reaching outside of individual healthcare systems in order to achieve a healthy population.