

Journals (* indicates Student co-authors)

Viswanathan, N., Magnuson, J. S., & Fowler, C. A. (2014). Information for Coarticulation: Static Signal Properties or Formant Dynamics? Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance. 40 (3), 1228-1236. Full Text

Viswanathan, N., *Dorsi, J., *George, S. (2014) The role of speech-specific properties of the background in the irrelevant sound effect. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology. 67 (3), 580-589. Full Text pdf NIH Full Text Link

Olmstead, A. J., Viswanathan, N., Aivar, M. P., & *Manuel, S. (2013). Comparison of native and non-native phone imitation by English and Spanish speakers. Frontiers in Psychology, 4, 475. Full Text pdf

Viswanathan, N., Magnuson, J. S., & Fowler, C. A. (2013). Similar response patterns do not imply identical origins: An energetic masking account of nonspeech effects in compensation for coarticulation. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance. 39 (4), 1181-1192. pdf NIH full text link

Viswanathan, N., Magnuson, J. S., & Fowler, C. A. (2010). Compensation for coarticulation: Disentangling auditory and gestural theories of perception of coarticulatory effects in speech. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 36, 1005-1015. NIH full text link

Viswanathan, N., Fowler, C. A., & Magnuson, J. S. (2009). A critical examination of the spectral contrast account of compensation for coarticulation. Psychonomic Bulletin and Review. 16 (1), 74-79. NIH full text link

Olmstead, A. J., Viswanathan, N., Aicher, K. A., & Fowler, C.A. (2009). Sentence comprehension and bimanual coordination: implications for embodied cognition. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 62 (12), 2409 –2417. pdf

Refereed Proceedings

Viswanathan, N. (2009). Towards embedded and embodied accounts of language use: insights from an ecological perspective. Proceedings from a Workshop on Interlocution: Linguistic structure and Human Interaction. University of British Columbia Working Papers in Linguistics, 24, 65-71 pdf

Viswanathan, N., Magnuson, J. S., & Fowler, C. A. (2008, July). Compensation for Coarticulation may reflect gestural perception: Evidence from a critical examination of the effects of non-speech contexts on speech categorization. Proceedings of the Eleventh Conference on Laboratory Phonology, Wellington, New Zealand, (pp 147-148).

Viswanathan, N., Magnuson, J. S., & Fowler, C. A. (2006, September). Disentangling gestural and auditory contrast accounts of compensation for coarticulation. Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Spoken Language Processing (Interspeech 2006 - ICSLP), Pittsburgh, PA 861-864.

Presentations (* indicates Graduate Student co-authors; ** indicates Undergraduate Student co-authors)

International Meetings

Williams*, B. T., &, Viswanathan, N., (2015, November). Effects of Foreign-Accented Speech Maskers on Speech-in-Speech Recognition. Poster presented at the 56th Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic Society in Chicago, IL.

Dorsi*, J., Viswanathan, N., & Rosenblum, L.D. (2015, November). Noise-Vocoded Speech and the Irrelevant Sound Effect. Poster presented at the 56th Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic Society in Chicago, IL.

Dilley, L. C., Pitt, M. A., Viswanathan, N., & Sanders, L. D. (2015, November). Both Preceding and Following Distal Speech Rate Can Cause Words to Disappear. Presented at the 56th Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic Society in Chicago, IL.Cognition, and Action Meeting in Chicago, IL.

Biro, T., Toscano, J.C., & Viswanathan, N., . (2015, November). Measuring phonetic convergence and acoustic properties of speech with engaging, naturalistic experimental tasks. Poster presented at the Auditory Perception, Cognition, and Action Meeting in Chicago, IL.

Viswanathan, N., & Bennett**, A. N. (2014, November). Understanding the Role of Speaker Identity in Compensation for Coarticulation. Poster presented at the 55th Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic Society in Long Beach, CA.

Olmstead, A.J., Viswanathan, N., Williams*, B. T., & Attanasio**, C. E. (2014, November).Training American English Speakers to Discriminate Hindi Dental and Retroflex Stops in Lexical Contexts. Poster presented at the 55th Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic Society in Long Beach, CA.

Viswanathan, N., & Stephens, J. D. W. (2013, November). Do Listeners use visually specified information about coarticulation in speech perception? Poster presented at the 54th Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic Society in Toronto, Canada.

Dorsi*, J., Viswanathan, N., George*, B., & Cassidy*, D. (2013, November). Noise-Vocoded Speech Contexts produce the Irrelevant Speech Effect. Poster presented at the 54th Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic Society in Toronto, Canada.

Sanders, L. D., Dilley, L. C., & Viswanathan, N. (2013, November). Distal Speech Rate can cause words to disappear during early perceptual processing. Presented at the 54th Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic Society in Toronto, Canada.

Olmstead, A.J., Viswanathan, N., Reilly*, J., Aivar, M.P. (2013, November). Use of vowel length in voicing categorization by Spanish-English bilinguals. Poster presented at the 54th Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic Society in Toronto, Canada.

Olmstead, A.J., Viswanathan, N., Aivar, M.P., Reilly*, J. (2013, March). Sensitivity to VOT-vowel length covariation in perception and imitation: Comparing Spanish and English L1 speakers. Poster presented at the 11th Symposium of Psycholinguistics, Tenerife, Spain.

Dorsi*, J., & Viswanathan, N. (2012, November). Noise-Vocoded Speech produces the Irrelevant Speech Effect: Experiments and Implications. Poster presented at the 53rd Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic Society in Minneapolis, MN

Olmstead, A. J., Viswanathan, N., Pilar, M.P., Manuel*, S., & Mason*, S. (2012, November). Sensitivity to VOT- Vowel Length Covariation in Spanish and English Monolinguals. Poster presented at the 53rd Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic Society in Minneapolis, MN

Viswanathan, N., Dorsi*, J., & George*, S. (2011, November). Information for speech perception: what the Irrelevant Speech Effect tells us. Poster presented at the 52nd Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic Society in Seattle, WA

Viswanathan, N., Losow*, J. M., & Fabiano-Smith, L., & Olmstead, A. J. (2010, November). Short term phonetic and phonological changes during Spanish instruction. Poster presented at the “2nd Pan-American/Iberian Meeting on Acoustics" in Cancun, Mexico.

Viswanathan, N., Magnuson, J.S., & Fowler C.A. (2010, March). Effects of sinewave contexts on speech categorization. Poster presented at workshop in Bristol, UK entitled, “Psycholinguistic approaches to speech recognition in adverse conditions”.

Viswanathan, N., Magnuson, J. S., & Fowler, C. A. (2009, November). Effects of sinewave contexts on compensation for coarticulation. Poster presented at the 50th Annual meeting of the Psychonomic Society in Boston, MA.

Viswanathan, N., Tobin, S.J., Magnuson, J. S., & Fowler, C. A. (2008, November). Motor compatibility effects on speech perception. Poster presented at the 49th Annual meeting of the Psychonomic Society in Chicago, NY

Viswanathan, N., Magnuson, J. S., & Fowler, C. A. (2007, November). Effects of nonspeech contexts on speech categorization: A critical examination. Poster presented at the 48th Annual meeting of the Psychonomic Society in Long Beach, CA

Olmstead, A. J., Viswanathan, N., Aicher, K. A., & Fowler, C. A. (2007, November). Sentence comprehension and bimanual coordination: Implications for embodied cognition. Poster presented at the 48th Annual meeting of the Psychonomic Society in Long Beach, CA

Viswanathan, N., Magnuson, J. S., & Fowler, C. A. (2006, November). Compensation for coarticulation: Comparing contrast and gestural theories. Poster presented at the 47th Annual meeting of the Psychonomic Society in Houston, TX.

Viswanathan, N., Magnuson, J. S., & Fowler, C. A. (2006, June). Compensation for coarticulation: Three theories compared. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 119 (5), 3241

Invited Colloquia

(September, 2013). Do listeners perceive speech gestures? Department of Linguistics, CUNY Graduate Center, NY.

(October, 2012). The lack of Invariance Problem in Speech Perception. Department of Psychology, William Patterson University, NJ.

(April, 2012). The Puzzles of Speech perception. Department of Psychology, North Carolina A&T University.

(March, 2012). The Puzzles of Speech perception. Hudson Valley Science Café, Newburgh, NY.

(March, 2010). The Perception of Coarticulated Speech: Implication for Accounts of Speech Perception. Department of Psychology, Universidad Autonoma de Madrid.

(May, 2009). Towards embedded and embodied accounts of language use: some insights from an ecological perspective. Interlocution. Department of Linguistics, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada.

(May, 2009). Evaluating Alvin Liberman’s claim: Speech perception as perception of vocal tract gestures. Alvin and Isabelle Liberman memorial workshop. Department of Psychology, University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT.

(April, 2009). Perceptual compensation for coarticulation: Implications for theories of speech perception. Department of Linguistics, University of Massachusetts, Amherst.

(Dec, 2007). Introducing the puzzles of speech perception. Invited talk, Department of Psychology, Ethiraj College, Chennai, India.

Undergraduate and Regional conferences

Manuel*, S., Fontanez*, A., Olmstead, A., & Viswanathan, N (2012, April). Comparing perception of stop-consonants by Spanish speakers and English speakers. Poster presented at the 2012 Mid-Hudson Psychology Research Conference. Loch Sheldrake, NY.

Dorsi*, J., & Viswanathan, N (2012, April). Information for Speech Perception: What the Irrelevant Speech Effects tells us. Poster presented at the 2012 Mid-Hudson Psychology Research Conference. Loch Sheldrake, NY.

Sylvester*, P., & Olmstead, A (2012, April). Understanding the Outfield Problem: Judgments Made Using the Initial Moments of a Ball's Trajectory. Poster presented at the 2012 Mid-Hudson Psychology Research Conference. Loch Sheldrake, NY.

Mason*, S., Cantone*, C., Olmstead, A., & Viswanathan, N (2012, April). Accent Change in Telugu/English Bilinguals. Paper presented at the 2012 Mid-Hudson Psychology Research Conference. Loch Sheldrake, NY.

Catalano*, S., Mason*, S., Dorsi*, J., & Viswanathan, N (2012, April). How are phonemic categories affected by coarticulation?. Paper presented at the 2012 Mid-Hudson Psychology Research Conference. Loch Sheldrake, NY.

Dorsi*, J., George*, S., & Viswanathan, N (2011, April). Effect of Sinewave Speech Contexts on the Irrelevant Speech Effect. Poster presented at the 2011 National Conference for Undergraduate Research. Ithaca, NY.

Losow*, J. M., & Viswanathan, N (2011, April). Short term phonetic and phonological changes during Spanish instruction. Poster presented at the 2011 Mid-Hudson Psychology Research Conference. Poughkeepsie, NY.

Picinich*, S., Kessler*, K., Mason*, S., & Viswanathan, N (2011. April). Do Indian-English bilinguals’ speech production change according to language environment? Poster presented at the 2011 Mid-Hudson Psychology Research Conference. Poughkeepsie, NY.