TechStars Application

2010 Application Form

Where is your team based, geographically?

Littleton, Co

If you are based in the US, please enter your zip code.


What will the name of your company be? If unknown, use your name.

SpeedGeek Learning

If you have a web site, what’s the URL?

What will your company do or make? It's not required, but if you have a video explaining your company, you may also include a URL here.


Have you already taken any outside investment? Please describe if so.

What’s new, interesting, or different about what your company will do?

Explain how the company will make money.

Tell us about each founder (include their role, skills, education level, schools, past companies, past projects/URLs, etc).

What are some things that the team (or its members) have built on the web? Please provide URLs and brief descriptions.

Can each of the founders attend the entirety of the program, or do some of you have other obligations during the timeframe of the program? Please elaborate.

Why should we choose your company?