

There are currently available positions for Master Students and Ph.D. Students (in Biochemistry/Molecular Biology, Biotechnology and Sustainable Chemistry). Please contact srp (at) fct.unl.pt for further information.

Post-doc positions are also available, the interested person should have knowledge in one of the following fields: Gene Expression/Proteomics, Protein characterization, Biomolecular NMR spectroscopy or Bioinformatics. Please contact me for further information (srp (at) fct.unl.pt).

Projects for Bsc. students in Biochemistry and Applied Chemistry-Biotechnology for the 2nd Semester during January-February of current scholar year.

Project 1: Reactive Oxygen Species - New Bacterial Systems involved in hydrogen peroxide detoxification in pathogenic bacteria (Model organisms: E.coli as a model for Salmonella and Neisseria gonorrhoeae )(Project involves several areas of expertise: Microbiology, Gene Expression, Structural Characterization and Spectroscopic Characterization of the enzymes, Computational analysis of enzymes as Drug Targets) (FUNDED)

Project 2: Insights into a Novel Bacterial System involved in Copper Resistance in Staphylococcus Aureus (Structural Characterization, Gene Expression, Gene Regulation, Implications in Antibiotic resistance)

Project 3: Fe/S proteins involved in a novel biogenesis system of Fe/S cluster proteins (Microbiology, Gene expression, Gene Regulation, Functional and structure characterization)

Project 4: Use of marine bacteria for bioremediation of hydrocarbon compounds (Microbiology, Gene Expression, Gene Regulation and Proteomics // Biotechnological Applications)


Scholarship - 1 - BOLSA de Investigação para MESTRE (Scholarship with a Master Degree)

- See the attached file of the announcement for this scholarship.

- Application Deadline: 16 a 29 de Novembro de 2018. Starting date: December 2018 or January 2019.

- Project: Reactive Oxygen Species - New Bacterial Systems involved in hydrogen peroxide detoxification in pathogenic bacteria.

- site of announcement publication: www.eracareers.pt/Search/

Previous announcements

Scholarship for PhD and Post-doc Positions are currently available:

- Projects announced above.

- Deadline: 31 December 2017

In case you are interested contact me through email: srp (at) fct.unl.pt