Intelligent Quotes

Mr. Souza maintains a learning environment that is conducive to student learning. Students are expected to be on task and follow instructions.

Allyson Rude Azevedo

“Facts are stubborn things."

John Adams

“The devil hath power t’assume a pleasing shape.”

Hamlet II.ii 628-629

Luke Skywalker: “I don’t believe it!”

Yoda: “That is why you fail.”

The Empire Strikes Back

“So much more is possible when I just don’t give a damn.”

Anonymous Educator

“There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so."

Hamlet II.ii.232

“When envoys are sent without compliments in their mouths, it is a sign that the enemy wishes for a truce.”

Sun Tzu

“…And some that smile, have in their hearts, I fear,

Millions of mischiefs.”

Julius Caesar

IV.ii. 54-55

“The greatness of this period is we straightened our backs up. And a man can’t ride your back unless it’s bent.”

Martin Luther King, Jr.

“Well, go an’ vomit. ‘Course you’re gonna vomit. Ever’body does. Git it over an’ then you clean up, an’ you wash your legs an’ put on them shoes of yourn."

Ma Joad

The Grapes of Wrath

“When deciding whom to trust, bear in mind that the combination of consistently bad or egregiously inadequate behavior with frequent plays for your pity is as close to a warning mark on a conscienceless person’s forehead as you will ever be given. A person whose behavior includes both of these features is not necessarily a mass murderer, or even violent at all, but is still probably not someone you should closely befriend, take on as your business partner, ask to take care of your children, or marry.”

Martha Stout, Ph.D.

The Sociopath Next Door

"A man can't tell how big a shadow he throws, until he stands up".

"Trail Boss" Gil Favor
