Home: Souza's English for Vanden High and Solano Community College

Travis Air Force Base celebrates the arrival of its first C-17, the "Spirit of Solano." It's the first of 13 C-17s that Travis AFB will recieve, adding its tactical capabilities to Travis' mission - the strategic airlift of the C-5 and the aerial refueling of the KC-10. (Air Force photo/Staff Sgt. Matt McGovern)
Image result for Tortilla flat

"The man who does not read good books is at no advantage over the man that can't read them."

- Mark Twain

My email: msouza@travisusd.org

Vanden High:

Advanced Placement Senior Literature, Periods 2 & 3

English I, Periods 4, 5 & 6

Solano Community College (Retired):

English 1 (College Composition)

English 2 (Literature and Critical Thinking)

Upcoming Assignments:

For all upcoming assignments, visit the appropriate page link for your class from the sidebar.

The Style Sheet below is in M.L.A. format, and must be used for all assignments turned in, both in and out of class. Assignments not typed are to be written in blue or black ink only. Staple multiple pages in the upper left corner.

Vanden Style Sheet.doc
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