Inferência Bayesiana

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Material de Apoio

Referências inspiradoras


    (↗) Apresentação do curso 

    (↗) Discord

    .ipynb Allen B. Downey. 2021. Think Bayes, 2nd Edition. O'Reilly Media, Inc. ISBN: 9781492089469 (Versão adaptada por Hugo Azevedo)

Material de Apoio

(↗) Pymc

Outras referências

(↗) Osvaldo Martin. 2018. Bayesian Analysis with Python. Packt Publishing Ltd: 2nd Edition. ISBN: 9781789349665

(↗) Frequentism and Bayesianism: A Practical Introduction

(↗) An Intuitive Guide to Bayesian Statistics

(↗) While my MCMC gently samples

(↗) Osvaldo A. Martin, Ravin Kumar, Junpeng Lao. 2021. Bayesian Modeling and Computation in Python. Chapman and Hall/CRC; 1st edition. ISBN: 978-0367894368

(↗) Plano de estudos sugerido para formação backend com Ciência de Dados na Alura

.ipynb  Cameron Davidson-Pilon. 2015. Bayesian Methods for Hackers. Addison-Wesley Professional; 1st edition (October 2, 2015). ISBN: 978-0133902839

(↗) James V. Stone. Bayes' Rule with Python: A Tutorial Introduction to Bayesian Analysis. Jim Stone: 2nd edition (October 15, 2016). ISBN: 978-0993367939

Referências inspiradoras


(↗) Sharon Bertsch Mcgrayne. A teoria que não morreria: como a lei de Bayes decifrou o código enigma, perseguiu submarinos russos e emergiu triunfante de dois séculos de controvérsias. Perspectiva; 1ª edição (30 julho 2015)


(↗) Webb, J. A., Little, S. C., Miller, K. A., Stewardson, M. J., Rutherfurd, I. D., Sharpe, A. K., Patulny, L., and Poff, N. L. ( 2015), A General Approach to Predicting Ecological Responses to Environmental Flows: Making Best Use of the Literature, Expert Knowledge, and Monitoring Data. River Res. Applic., 31: 505– 514. doi: 10.1002/rra.2832.

(↗) Kruschke, J.K., Liddell, T.M. The Bayesian New Statistics: Hypothesis testing, estimation, meta-analysis, and power analysis from a Bayesian perspective. Psychon Bull Rev 25, 178–206 (2018).

(↗) Roderick J Little (2006) Calibrated Bayes: A Bayes/Frequentist Roadmap, The American Statistician, 60:3, 213-223, DOI: 10.1198/000313006X117837


(↗) Bradley Efron (2013) A 250-year argument: Belief, behavior, and the bootstrap, Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society


(↗) Nerdologia: Teorema de Bayes pode ajudar a entender seu comportamento?