New Contra Series! 2nd Sunday Dance in Miami at Tobacco Road

Post date: Dec 27, 2011 5:21:29 PM

a message from Louis Dow II --

There’s a new dance in Miami and a new venue starting just after the First of the year.


Beginning on January 8 and every second Sunday thereafter, we’ll be dancing at Tobacco Road, Miami’s most storied and oldest saloon. The dance will offer a walk-through for new dancers at 6:30, dancing will begin at 7:00 and we’ll go until 10:30 P.M.


Our room has a wonderful ambiance, and lots of history. It’s upstairs above the main dining room with a wood floor. Like all of indoor Tobacco Road, the room is smoke-free and, as usual, the Contradance will not be alcohol-centered. It’s not a very large room, but big enough for at least our initial dances. If the dance grows too large for the room, we’ll be moving to a larger space. But, the room is very interesting. It should give us an intimate dance with plenty of great sound. 


In addition to the new venue, you’ll notice that we’ll be offering an extra half-hour of dancing. There’ll be other things of interest to Contradancers, which will be announced as plans develop.


The admission is the standard $10:00; I'll have some flyers ready in a week or so and I’ll be adding it to the next edition of the Newcomer’s Handbook.


You’re invited to join us January 8, 2012 for another great evening of Contradancing.

The new dance series is  listed in the calendar and on the dance locations page and map.  Tell your friends! Come dance! Hope to see you there!