Welcome to my homepage
Professor, Economics Group
Indian Institute of Management Calcutta
Diamond Harbour Road, Joka
E-mail: sourav at iimcal dot ac dot in
Published papers
Preference Monotonicity and Information Aggregation in Elections, Econometrica (2013), Vol 81 (3), pp 1229 - 1247 Online Appendix
Strategic Information Revelation When Experts Compete to Influence, with Arijit Mukherjee , RAND Journal of Economics (2013), Vol 44(3), pp 522-544
How Much to Make and How Much to Buy: Explaining Plural Sourcing Strategies, with Ranjay Gulati and Phanish Puranam, Strategic Management Journal (2013), Vol 34 (10), pp 1145 - 1161
Compulsory versus Voluntary Voting Mechanisms: An Experimental Study, with John Duffy and SunTak Kim, Games and Economic Behavior (2014), Vol 84, pp 111-131 Online Appendix
Resistance, Redistribution and Investor-friendliness , with Tapas Kundu , Journal of Development Economics (2014), Vol 109, pp 124-142 Online Appendix
Mobility and Conflict, with Joyee Deb and Tapas Kundu , AEJ Microeconomics (2015), Vol 7 (1), pp 281-319 Supplementary Appendix
Campaign Rhetoric and the Hide-&-Seek Game, Social Choice and Welfare (2016), Vol 47 (3), pp 697-727, Supplementary Appendix
Voting with Endogenous Information Acquisition: Experimental Evidence, joint with with John Duffy and SunTak Kim, Games and Economic Behavior (2017), Vol 102, pp 316-338
On the Optimality of Diverse Expert Panels in Persuasion Games, joint with Maria Goltsman and Arijit Mukherjee, Games and Economic Behavior (2018), Vol 107, pp 345-363
Intellectual Property Regimes and Wage Inequality, joint with Pavel Chakraborty and Chirantan Chatterjee, Journal of Development Economics (2022), Vol 154
Full Information Equivalence in Large Elections, joint with Paulo Barelli and Lucas Siga, Econometrica (2022), Vol 90(5), pp 2161-2185
Electoral Competition and Corruption: Theory and Evidence from India, joint with Farzana Afridi, Amrita Dhillon and Eilon Solan, Journal of Economics Behavior and Organization (2024), Vol 227
Work in Progress
Strategic Communication and Group Formation, joint with Ming Li and Madhuparna Karmokar
Political Economy of Identity Formation: Theory and Evidence from India, with Anirban Mukherjee and Soham K Paul
The Relevant Third: Threat of Coalition and Economic Development, with Somdeep Chatterjee, Pushkar Maitra and Manhar Manchanda
Waiting Games, with Parikshit Ghosh
Group Specific Public Goods and Political Competition, with Tapas Kundu and Ravi Satpute
I also do these..
I am currently the Convener of SERI, a platform for Indian economists. To know more about SERI, please check out this link.
The IIMC economics group organizes the IIMC Global Economics seminar series, which is an online seminar held at 8 pm IST every Wednesday. Please feel free to go to the site and register on the mailing list. You are very welcome to join as a participant.