November 17, 2022

Lillo Way’s poetry collection, Lend Me Your Wings (Shanti Arts, 2021), was described by Ellen Bass as “rich in music and in imagination . . . a celebration and a joy.” Her chapbook, Dubious Moon, won the Slapering Hol Press Chapbook Contest. Her poems have won the E. E. Cummings Award and a Florida Review Editors’ Prize. Her writing has appeared in New Letters, Poet Lore, Tampa Review, Louisville Review, Poetry East, and in many anthologies. Way has received grants from the NEA, NY State Council on the Arts, and the Geraldine R. Dodge Foundation for her choreographic work involving poetry.

Heidi Seaborn is author of Marilyn: Essays & Poems, [PANK] Poetry Prize winner An Insomniac’s Slumber Party with Marilyn Monroe, the acclaimed debut Give a Girl Chaos, and Comstock Chapbook Award-winning Bite Marks. Recent work in Blackbird, Beloit, Brevity, Copper Nickel, Cortland Review, diode, Financial Times of London, The Offing, Penn Review, Radar, The Slowdown, and elsewhere. Heidi is executive editor of The Adroit Journal and holds an MFA from NYU.