June 19, 2014
Jason Zions is a software architect, storyteller, parliamentarian, chef, public speaker, singer, instrumentalist, and composer. He writes a little, too; some of his work appeared in the 2013 collection Here, There, and Everywhere, published by the Redmond Association of Spokenword (RASP). He is an invertebrate punster, spinelessly unable to resist the wretched things, despite well-deserved threats of bodily harm and injury to reputation.
Allan Rousselle, when he’s not working on databases or herding his three young boys, writes poetry, fiction, personal essays, and humor (usually in the form of corporate memos). As a journalist, his news articles have been picked up by the Associated Press and NBC News, while his short fiction has appeared in several DAW fantasy and science fiction anthologies. A past curator and host for the Redmond Association for Spokenword (RASP), he has won multiple awards for his poetry and performance—although, to clarify, one of those awards was given in 1986, and the statute of limitations has probably run out on that one.