Dr. Soshi Uchida is honor to be invited as a member of the ISAKOS committee

投稿日: May 06, 2015 10:36:51 AM

Dr Soshi Uchida was invited by ISAKOS.

This is a invitation letter from ISAKOS

On behalf of the ISAKOS Committee on Committees, we invite you to serve as a member of the ISAKOS Hip, Groin & Thigh Committee for the 2015-2019 term.

As a member of this committee, you are encouraged to attend all committee meetings and participate in the year-end conference calls. Committee meetings are held in conjunction with the following conferences.

Please be advised that ISAKOS is unable to reimburse committee members for any expenses associated with travel to ISAKOS committee meetings or congresses. All Committee Members must be Active Members in good standing with their membership dues paid in full.

I am sure Committee members consisted of following doctors who are representative of each continentals

Name Country/Region Position Term Congress

Per Holmich DENMARK Deputy Chair 2015 - 2019

Leandro Ejnisman BRAZIL Member 2015 - 2019

John O'Donnell AUSTRALIA Chair 2015 - 2017

Nicolas Bonin FRANCE Member 2015 - 2019

Nick Mohtadi CANADA Member 2015 - 2019

Thomas Sampson USA Member 2015 - 2019

Allston Stubbs USA Member 2015 - 2019

Soshi Uchida JAPAN Member 2015 - 2019