Yes, that's it! i've decided to start a guide...

anyway, Sonic Worlds is an engine that attempts on recreating the Classic Sonic physics on Multimedia Fusion 2 and was created by Damizean with some contributions from SFGHQ.

It's, so far, the best sonic engine for fan games out there.

Get ready for some Sonic Worlds tutorials!


-20 of july 2013-

Changes: 1: Act 4: Changed a little bit on the very usefull tips.

< OLD >

-07 of may 2013-

I'm going to try to make those every time i change someting here, like today...

Changes: 1: Update section in the first page.

2: Added "Titlecard glitch" to Act 4.

3: Nobody told me sentences start with an uppercase letter and end with a dot, now i've to fix the whole guide...

- Starting up

... And then, you decided to make a fan game. but how?

Act 1 is the place to learn the basics and how to use MMF2, well, a bit.

1: First Steps - "wait, there is a layer toolbar?"

- A few things you need to know before doing anything -

1.5: "Installing it"

- how to get it to work -

2: Basic MMF2 and Sonic Worlds stuff - "how this thing even works?"

- that is pretty much it -

[Click Here to go to Act 1]

- Your First Stage

... and there you go, you already know the basics so... what now?

In Act 2 you will find some tips on how to start your first stage.

1: Setting up the Tiles - "oh, it's coming to life!... OMG!"

- ... -

2: Backdrops and Actives - "wait, why is this not on the objects list?"

- Plataforms and layer change -

2.3: Loops and Moving Plataforms - "yay, finally"

- yup -

2.7: Common Objects - "yeah, fire shield"

- yeah... -

3: Making a badnik from an Active (the simple way) - "haha, motobugs"

-learn how to make a simple motobug -

4: Music - "music... yeah..."

-it's not really that simple-

5: The Parallax - "parallax? what?"

- or do you mean: backgrounds -

[Click Here to go to Act 2]

- Messing around with Worlds

Now that you know how to make a level, there is some more stuff you may find usefull here.

1: The Player - "oh yeah, the player..."

-some very useful info-

2: The Player Group - "wait, what?"


3: Your first action - "what? a homing attack?"

- no, just a simple floating action -

[Click here to go to Act 3]

- Useful Stuff

Just some few things that may help you out...

1: Very useful tips - "oh, i get it..."

-you should really read this one-

2: Know issues with Worlds - "wait, why i'm not taking damage?"

- Know issues and how to fix them -

[Click Here to go to Act 4]

- Special Stage - (...)

Make Games and Have fun!

2013 ~ LakeFeperd