Building Permit News

Post date: Oct 24, 2013 10:35:28 PM


Serena Short Plat

Location: 4322 129 th Place SE

File Number: 13 - 111863 - LN

Description: Approval of a Preliminary Short Plat to sub - divide a 16,447 square foot parcel into two (2) lots within the R-5 single - family residential land use district.

Decision: Approval with Conditions Concurrency

Determination: N/A

SEPA: Exempt

Appeal Period Ends: November 7, 2013, The Weekly Permit Bulletin - October 24 , 2013, 5 PM. Refer to page one for information on how to appeal a project.

Date of Application: March 28, 2013

Completeness Date: April 8, 2013

Notice of Application Date: April 25, 2013

Applicant: Serena Construction Company Applicant

Contact: Irfan Pardham, Serena Construction Company, (425) 828-6326

Planner: Laurie Tyler, (425) 452-2728

Planner Email: