Slaski, N., Kalénine S. & Sayim, B. (2024). Thematic relations between objects get through the bottleneck of crowding (2024). ECVP, 25-29 August 2024, Aberdeen, Scotland. Poster
Kalénine S. , Middleton, E. & Buxbaum, L. (2024). Impact des images enrichies d'indices moteurs sur l’apprentissage de mots chez les personnes cérébro-lésées souffrant de troubles du langage. 91e Congrès de I'Acfas - Cognition Incarnée et située, applications en santé, Ottawa, Canada, Poster
Buxbaum, L., & Kalénine S. (2024). Object-related action selection and competition. Cognitive Control of Action Workshop, 15-16 March 2024, Princeton, USA. Oral Communication
Slaski, N., Sayim, B., Kalénine S. (2024). The effect of thematic relations on visual crowding of familiar objects. GDR Vision, 8-9 February 2014, Grenoble, France. Oral Communication
Wamain Y., Haddad L., Kalénine S. (2023). Evocation of multiple affordance during object selection in a scene: Bahavioral and neurophysiological evidence. Seeing and Acting Workshop (SAW), 22-23 Septembre 2023, Coimbra, Portugal. Poster
Haddad L., Kalénine S. & Wamain Y. (2023). Impact of affordance similarity and thematic relations on Mu rhythm desynchronization during perception of 3D object pairs. ESCoP, 6-9 Septembre 2023, Porto, Portugal. Poster
Haddad, L. Wamain, Y. & Kalénine, S. Competition between affordances evoked by scene presenting multiple objects: when thematic relations solve it. CAOs conference, May 4-6, 2023, Rovereto, Italy. Poster
Haddad, L. Wamain, Y. & Kalénine, S. The impact of object category and manipulability on compatibility effects. ESCOP conference, August 29-September 1, 2022, Lille, France. Symposium
Kalénine, S., Ott, L. & Casalis, S. (2022). Increasing lexical engagement with motor-enhanced pictures: an online study using the Picture-Word interference paradigm. Conference on Embodied and Situated Language Processing, August 29-29, 2022, Tourcoing, France. Oral communication
Kalenine, S. (2021). Redefining the role of affordance(s) in object perception. Invited Symposium to ICP 2020+, July 19-24, Prague, Czech Republic. Oral communication
Godard, M., Kalénine, S., Delepoulle, S., & Wamain, Y. (2021). Does verbal context modulate electrophysiological correlates of affordance competition during object perception? European Society for Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, June 23-26, virtual conference. Poster
Decroix J., Wamain, Y., & Kalénine, S. (2021). Grip and goal processing jointly affects the activity of the motor neural network during action recognition: an electrophysiological study. European Society for Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, June 23-26, virtual conference. Poster
Merck, C., Noël, A., Jamet, E., Robert, M., Salmon, A., Belliard, S., & Kalénine, S. (2020). Les relations thématiques : ces îlots de connaissances résiduelles dans le syndrome de démence sémantique. Journée de Printemps de la SNLF, congrès virtuel, 29 mai 2020. Présentation orale
Godard, M. Wamain, Y., Delepoulle, S. & Kalénine, S. (2019). The development of the processing cost entailed by conflicting affordances during object perception. ESCOP 2019, September 25-28, Tenerife, Spain. Oral presentation
Decroix, J. Morgado, N., & Kalénine, S. (2019). Individual dispositions predict goal priority during the recognition of others' actions. ESCOP 2019, September 25-28, Tenerife, Spain. Oral presentation
Godard, M. Wamain, Y., Delepoulle, S. & Kalénine, S. (2019). Predicting object visual processing from motor affordance sensitivity and conflict monitoring abilities: a developmental study. International Convention of Psychological Science, March 7-9, Paris, France. Poster
Decroix, J. Borgomaneri, S., Kalénine, S. & Avenanti, A. (2019). The inferior parietal cortex integrates kinematics and functional goal information during the recognition of object-directed actions: a TMS-priming experiment. International Convention of Psychological Science, March 7-9, Paris, France. Poster
Decroix, J., Roger, C., & Kalénine, S. (2018). An electrophysiological study of grip and goal decoding during action observation. Annual Meeting of the Society fo Psychophysiological Research, October 3-7, Quebec, Canada. Poster
Godard, M., Wamain, Y. & Kalénine, S. (2018). Distinguer les effets d’affordances de l’effet Simon lors de la perception d’objet. 59e congrès de la Société Française de Psychologie, Septembre 5-7, Strasbourg, France. Oral presentation
Godard, M., Wamain, Y. & Kalénine, S. (2018). Do manufactured and natural objects evoke similar motor information? Evidence from action priming. Workshop TRACE, June 27-28, 2018, Bruxelles, Belgique. Oral presentation
Wamain, Y. Sahaï, A., Décroix, J., Coello, Y. & Kalénine, S. (2017). When visual objects evoke multiple gestures: Impact of conflict between affordances on Mu rhythm desynchronization. 20th Conference of the European Society for Cognitive Psychology (ESCoP), Potsdam, September 3-6, Postdam, Germany. Poster
Decroix, J. & Kalénine, S. (2017). Gesture and outcome processing during the recognition of actions among distractors: Evidence from eyetracking. European Conference on Visual Perception (ECVP), August 27-31, Berlin, Germany. Poster
Wamain, Y. Sahaï, A., Décroix, J., Coello, Y. & Kalénine, S. (2017). Neurophysiological correlates of conflict between gesture representations during object perception. European Conference on Visual Perception (ECVP), August 27-31, Berlin, Germany. Poster
Decroix, J. & Kalénine, S. (2017). Gesture and outcome activation during the decoding of other’s action: Which one is processed first? Workshop TRACE, June 29-30, Nanterre, France. Oral communication
Decroix, J. & Kalénine, S. (2017). Timing of gesture and outcome processing during action decoding. CAOs Workshop on Concepts, Actions and Objects : Functional and Neural Perspectives, May 4-7, Rovereto, Italy. Poster
Decroix, J. & Kalénine, S. (2016). Gesture and outcome decoding during action perception: When are the two representational levels activated and interrelated ? International Symposium on Apraxia and Action, December 12-13, Angers, France. Oral communication
Collette, C., Jacquemont, C., Bonnotte, I., Kalénine, S., Bartolo, A. (2016). Développement des connaissances de Fonction et de Manipulation des objets fabriqués manipulables dans une perspective vie entière: une étude en amorçage sémantique. International Symposium on Apraxia and Action, December 12-13, Angers, France. Oral communication
Kalenine, S. (2016). Object and action representations : what overlap ? Séminaire du Laboratoire de Psychologie et NeuroCognition, Université de Grenoble, 12 avril 2016, Grenoble, France. Invited speaker
Kalénine, S. (2016). Comportement oculaire physiologique du spectateur en conditions naturelles. Rencontres Arts & Sciences :Neurosciences, Épistémologie et Nouveaux Paradigmes organisées par le GDR ESARS, 5-6 février, Paris, France. Invited speaker
Kalénine, S. (2016). Comment reconnaissons-nous les actions perçues et les objets qui y participent ? Vers une modélisation flexible des liens entre motricité, perception et représentation. Séminaire du laboratoire CERSM, Université Paris-Nanterre, 4 février 2016, Paris, France. Invited speaker
Sahai A., Decroix J., Wamain Y., Coello Y., Kalénine S. (2015). Space influences evocation of structural and functional object-related gesture. International Conference on Spatial Cognition, September 7-11, 2015, Rome. Poster
Wamain Y.& Kalénine S. (2015). Temporal Dynamics of action perception recorded by EEG : Difference between object-related and non-object related action? Meeting of the Belgian Association for Psychological Science, May 28, 2015, Brussel, Belgium. Oral communication
Wamain Y. & Kalénine S. (2015). The power of handwriting: Eye-tracking evidence that letter identification is sensitive to our own motor experience. Writing Word(s) Workshop, July 2-3, 2015, Poitiers, France. Invited speaker
Wamain Y. & Kalénine S. (2015). My "a" is better than yours: Eye-tracking evidence that our own motor experience impacts letter identification. CAOs Workshop on Concepts, Actions and Objects : Functional and Neural Perspectives, May 7-10, Rovereto, Italy. Poster communication
Collette, C., Bartolo, A., Bonnotte, I., Jacquemont, C. et Kalénine, S. (2015). Object function and manipulation priming in young adults and elderly. 5th Scientific Meeting of the ESN and 12th Nordic Meeting in Neuropsychology, 9-11 septembre, Tampere, Finland. Poster communication
Kalénine S., (2015). Concepts d'objets et concepts d'actions: des représentations communes?. Workshop TRACE, June 25-26, 2015, Montpellier, France. Invited speaker
Pluciennicka E., Coello, Y., & Kalénine S. (2015). Organisation des connaissances sémantiques .sur les objets fabriqués: Elements de réponses chez le patient cérébro-lésé. 55e congrès de la Société Française de Psychologie, 3-4 septembre, Strasbourg, France. Oral communication
Kalénine, S. (2015). Object and action representations : what overlap ? Seminar at the Department of Psychology, University of Ghent, October 8, 2015, Ghent, Belgium. Invited Speaker
Collette, C., Bartolo, A., Bonnotte, I., Jacquemont, C. & Kalénine, S. (2015). Amorçage sémantique par la fonction et la manipulation chez des adultes jeunes. 55e congrès de la Société Française de Psychologie, 3-4 septembre 2015, Strasbourg, France. Oral communication
Kalénine, S. & Tiffon, V. (2015). Manipuler les effets visuels d’un spectacle pour percevoir différemment. Journée d’Etude Modèles Clastiques: Manipuler pour comprendre, 3 décembre 2015, Tourcoing, France. Invited speaker
Wamain Y., Pluciennicka E., Kalénine S. (2014). Neurophysiological Correlates of Thematic and Functional Knowledge Activation during Object Conceptual Processing. Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society, July 23-26, 2014, Quebec city, Canada. Oral communication
Pluciennicka E., Wamain, Y., Coello Y., Kalénine S. (2014). Impact of action context on processing of thematic, specific function, and general function relations between objects: a combined priming and eye-tracking study, CAOs Workshop on Concepts, Actions and Objects : Functional and Neural Perspectives, May 8-11, 2014, Rovereto, Italy. Poster
Kalénine S., (2014). Comment les enfants accèdent-ils aux relations thématiques et fonctionnelles entre objets ? Etudes en oculométrie. Journée scientifique du LPNC, June 13, 2014, Grenoble, France. Invited speaker
Kalénine S., Pluciennicka E., (2014). La sémantique de l'action. Journée de Neuropsychologie du CMRR de Rennes, October 1, 2014, Grenoble, France. Invited speaker
Collette, C., Jacquemont, C., Bonnotte, I., Kalénine, S., Bartolo, A. (2014). Function and manipulation knowledge in young and elderly healthy participants. 28th International Congress of Applied Psychology, 8-13 juillet, Paris, France. Poster communication
Shapiro, A.D., Kalénine, S., Flumini, A., Borghi, A.M., & Buxbaum L.J. (2013). Effect of visual context on the activation of move- and use-related actions during semantic object processing, Annual Meeting of the Society of Neuroscience, November 9-13, 2013, San Diego, USA. Poster
Wamain Y., Pluciennicka E., Coello Y., Kalénine S. (2013). Temporal Dynamics of Object- and Non-Object-Directed Actions Processing: an EEG Study, CAOs Workshop on Concepts, Actions and Objects : Functional and Neural Perspectives, May 23 - 26, 2013, Rovereto, Italy. Poster
Pluciennicka E., Coello Y., Kalénine S. (2013). Development of thematic, specific function, and general function relation processing during childhood: An eye-tracking study, CAOs Workshop on Concepts, Actions and Objects : Functional and Neural Perspectives, May 23 - 26, 2013, Rovereto, Italy. Poster
Kalénine, S., Kington, A., & Buxbaum, L.J. (2013). The critical role of posterior temporal cortex in thematic knowledge retrieval from object pictures: Evidence from left hemisphere stroke. Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Neuroscience Society, April 13-April 16, 2013, San Francisco, USA. Poster
Pluciennicka, E., Wamain, Y., Coello, Y., Kalénine, S. (2013). Impact of action observation on thematic, specific function and general function relation processing. Internal Symposium: Vision, Action, and Concepts, October, 28-30, 2013, Tourcoing, France. Poster
Pluciennicka, E., Coello, Y., Kalénine, S. (2013). Comment les mouvements oculaires peuvent-ils nous renseigner sur le développement conceptuel entre 6 et 10 ans. 8ème Journée des Jeunes Chercheurs en Psychologie, Lille, France. Oral communication
Wamain Y., Pluciennicka E., Coello Y., Kalénine S. (2013). Perception d’Actions Dirigées vers les Objets vs. Actions non-Dirigées vers les Objets : Etude en EEG. 55ème Congrès de la Société Française de Psychologie. September 11-13, 2013, Lyon, France. Poster
Jacquemont,C., Collette, C., Bartolo, A., Bonnotte, I. et Kalénine, S. (2013). Construction d’un matériel expérimental pour la détection des troubles praxiques. 55ème Congrès de la Société Française de Psychologie. September 11-13, 2013, Lyon, France. Poster
Kalénine, S. (2013). Comment les expériences antérieures et l'expertise modifient la perception: Apport de la psychologie cognitive et des neurosciences. Séminaire « Cultures Visuelles » organisé par le laboratoire IRHIS, 18 mars 2013, Lille, France. Invited Speaker
Kalénine, S., Lee, C., Middleton, E.L., Mirman, D., & Buxbaum, L.J. (2012). Impact of linguistic context on action and function information activation during object identification, 30th International Congress of Psychology, May 22-27, 2012, Cape Town, South Africa. Oral communication
Kalénine, S., Buxbaum, L.J., & Shapiro, A.D. (2012). Dissociable representations of action means and outcome: Evidence from stroke. Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Neuroscience Society, March 31-April 3, 2012, Chicago, USA. Poster
Kalénine, S. (2012). Visual exploration and semantics: how eye movements can inform on object representations. Journée d’étude du RTP Visual Studies « Vision, Cognition and art », 21 septembre 2012, Tourcoing, France. Invited Speaker
Kalénine, S., Mirman, D., Middleton, E., & Buxbaum ,L.J. (2011). Activation of thematic and functional action knowledge during auditory comprehension of artifact words, CAOs Workshop on Concepts, Actions and Objects : Functional and Neural Perspectives, May 19 - 22, 2011, Rovereto, Italy. Poster
Kalénine, S., Buxbaum, L.J., & Coslett, H.B. (2010). Action recognition does not rely upon mirror neurons: evidence from left hemisphere stroke. Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Neuroscience Society, April 17-20, 2010, Montréal, Canada. Poster
Kalénine, S., Peyrin, C., Pichat, C., Segebarth, C., Bonthoux, F. & Baciu, M. (2009). Neural specificity of manipulable and non-manipulable object concepts. Human Brain Mapping, June 18-23, 2009, San Francisco, USA. Poster
Ambrosi, S., Kalénine, S., Blaye, A., & Bonthoux, F. (2009). Modality switching cost during property verification by 7 years of age. 14th European Conference on Developmental Psychology, August 18-22, 2009, Vilnius, Lithuania. Oral communication
Kalénine, S., Bonthoux, F., & Borghi, A.M. (2008). How action and context priming influence categorization: a developmental study. CAOs Workshop on Concepts, Actions and Objects : Functional and Neural Perspectives, 24-27 April, 2008, Rovereto, Italy. Poster
Kalénine, S. & Bonthoux, F. (2007). Specific school interventions modulate preschoolers’ superordinate taxonomic categorization as a function of objects’ kinds. 37th Annual Meeting of the Jean Piaget Society, 31 May-2 June 2007, Amsterdam, Netherlands. Oral communication
Bonthoux, F., Kalénine, S., & Scheuner, N. (2007). Voies de formation des concepts d'objets naturels et fabriqués. Congrès de la SFP, 9-13 Juillet, Nantes, France. Kalénine, S. & Bonthoux, F. (2007). Adults differently process taxonomic and thematic semantic relations according to objects’ kinds. EuroCogSci07, May 23-27, 2007, Delphi, Greece. Oral communication
Kalénine, S. & Bonthoux, F. (2006). La construction des concepts d’objets à 3-4 ans en fonction du type d’objet et des différences interindividuelles. XVIIème Journées de Psychologie Différentielle, 19-21 Septembre 2006, Paris, France. Oral communication