Women on Mission Broadcast 10/40 is the effort through Global Prayer and Fasting, to bring women in America and the other parts of the world together, promoting Unity in "The Body Of Christ" and awareness of the necessity of missionary work world-wide as well as in the 10/40 window. We are called to "Missions" which is "THE HEARTBEAT OF GOD".


Then he said unto them:

"Go your way eat the fat and drink the sweet, and SEND PORTIONS UNTO THEM FOR WHOM NOTHING IS PREPARED" for this day is holy unto our Lord: neither be ye sorry; "for the joy of the Lord is your strength".

Nehemiah 8:10

"And he said unto them, GO YE INTO ALL THE WORLD, and preach the gospel to every creation".

Mark 16:15

A Women's Ministry:

Women On Mission Broadcast 10/40 (WOMB10/40) is the Women's Division of Shepherds Of Grace Interenational (SOGI)

W omen: Whom God has created from the side of the man, from his rib which is close to his heart, so that she would be cherished, to serve God next to him and to be protected. A helpmeet, to fulfill the will of God and bring glory to HIS name. Woman is blessed to be fruitful and give birth, the true meaning of Birth is "ordained to be in sorrow yet spreading the Joy". We are ordained to walk in great sorrow and thru the rough paths (yet remain gentle and delicate). Our effort is to make it worthwhile. (Gen. 2: 21-23, Gen.3:16)

O n quest for: To be obedient to His commandment's, His statues, His judgments and to the great commission. God is faithful, and all His promises are conditional, if we do what we are commanded to do, God is faithful to fulfill all His promises. (Dueter. 28:15, Ps. 119:10)

M ission: The efforts to reach to the goal, Doing what counts. Our Goal is " To win soul for His glory". (Mt. 9:37, Lk. 10:2, Jn. 4:35). The Book is about the missions, God has sent His son on the mission of reconciliation. Jesus himself sent His disciples on the same mission. Though they were twelve in number they have turned the world upside down. Are we doing our part? (Mark 16:15). Apostle John writes that we have a very short time left to do what we have commanded to do, "Do not say, There are yet four months, and then comes the harvest, Behold I say to you lift up your eyes and look on the fields, They are white for the harvest". (John 4:35)

B roadcast: To sow seeds in the wide area, the great commission is to go unto the world and preach the Gospel to every creation. The world is full of harvest, Let's reach the unreached and poor in the spirit and make disciples from every tribe. (Neh. 8:10,Mark 16:15).

10/40 window: is the place between 10 degrees and 40 degrees north of the equator in the globe, it's an imaginary square window from Africa to Japanies Islands, coined as window 10/40 or "resistance belt". Covers sixty two nations including Jesus's birthplace(hard to believe that His birth place is still unevangelized). Our mission is to make women aware of the 10/40 window and the necessity of evangelism in this part, and all over the world.