Club information

Club Information

Special Olympics is open to people with a learning disability aged 8 upward. By way of a banding system, we endeavour to match athletes of similar sporting abilities for all events and competitions. This way everyone gets to train, compete, progress and win at their own level.


Coaching Information






Hon President                                    


Chairman  (Main Contact)                Mike Day

Vice Chairman                                  Karen Burnell

Secretary          Christine Eaton

Treasurer         Caroline |Day

Fund Raiser     Gary Weaver

Fund Raiser   Mick Weaver

Membership secretary  . Gina Gordon                                                                               

 Family Liaison          Laurel Trench

Transport Manager  

Eligibility Officer                             

Safeguarding and welfare officer   Anna Nash


General Members  

Anne Price                    


Athletes Rep.   Katie Day (Voted by the athletes)

Team Captain                                   ? (Voted by the athletes)