The SPE is willing to provide those who are participating in SPE events who can demonstrate a need with subvention grants, as long as the SPE has the funds available to do so. If you would like to request a SPE subvention grant, you must be a current SPE member and complete the SPE Subvention Grant Form. Prior to completing the form, please note the following:
1) Subvention grants are limited to available funds.
2) Subvention grants can be approved prior to the participation in an SPE event, but not funds will actually be made available until after the event has occurred, and evidence in provided for your participation in the event and for your expenses.
3) If you are applying for a subvention grant for participating in an APA-affiliated group session, please note that you must first apply for and be approved for an APA conference fee waiver or reduction. Please visit the APA conference registration page for the conference you are participating in for information about applying for an APA conference fee waiver or reduction. Please also note that it is your responsibilty to be aware of the deadline for an APA conference fee waiver or reduction.