About me

Andreea Tomoiaga, started her professional career in 2003 and worked as senior software developer, architect, team leader and technical project manager on several projects based on Java and JEE employing Scrum as well as Rational Unified Process software development processes.

Certified Scrum Master and Enterprise Architect for JEE 5.0, Andreea is a software practitioner with over nine years of experience in development, leadership, coaching, training and management roles.

Her interests lie in project management, Scrum, software architecture and cloud computing.

Results oriented, having high levels of enthusiasm, exhibiting active imagination, Andreea can persuade others to engage with her in the accomplishment of different projects. She likes starting new projects, finding new methods of working in order to achieve stated goals.

Good at recognizing others’ abilities, she encourages her colleagues to become enthusiastically involved in projects and knows how to get the best out of others, whether they are colleagues or clients.

Personality keywords: confident, assertive, inspiring, intuitive, stylish

Personality, assessed by experts >