Curriculum Vitae


Undergraduate, postgraduate, Department of Algebra, Faculty of Mathematics and Mechanics, Leningrad university.

Candidate degree in methodology of mathematics 1986 (Moscow).

Candidate thesis title: "Methodology of teaching mathematics in professional schools".

Doctor degree in theory and methodology of mathematics and computer science 1999 (Moscow).

Doctor thesis title: “The modelling of information environment as technological base for teaching mathematics”

Basic specialty: the mathematician - theory and methodology of teaching in mathematics.

Have more than 100 scientific publications, among them monography “Information environment for education” and “Generation of mathematical problems and verification of their solutions”.

Basic specialty: the mathematician - theory and methodology of teaching in mathematics.

Teaching courses for university students: “Discrete Mathematics”, “Mathematical Logic”, “Theory of Algorithms”, “Construction of Computer Programs for Education”, “Information Technologies in Mathematics”, “Models of Intellectual Processes”.

Teaching courses for school teachers: “Computer Tools in Math Teaching”, “Internet Support of School Teachers”, “Methodology of Using Computer for Supporting of Math Education”.

Teaching posts

1979-1982 assistant of the Chair of Mathematics of Khabarovsk Polytechnic Institute

1982-1985 teacher of mathematics and computer science in professional school

since 1986 associate professor of the Department of Mathematics of the St.-Petersburg, University of Electrical Engineering.

since 1999 full professor of the Department of Mathematics of the St.-Petersburg, University of Electrical Engineering.


Математико-механический факультет Ленинградского государственного университета (1970-1976)

Аспирантура при математико-механическом факультете Ленинградского государственного университета (1976-1979)

Преподаватель математики в Хабаровском политехническом институте (1979-1981)

Преподаватель информатики и математики в СПТУ-253 (1982-1986)

Защита кандидатской диссертации по методике преподавания математики (1986)

Доцент кафедры ВМ-2 ЛЭТИ (1986-1999)

Защита докторской диссертации по методике преподавания математики (1999)

Профессор кафедры ВМ-2 ЛЭТИ (1999 по настоящее время).

Более чем 100 научных публикаций, среди которых совместные монографии "Информационная среда обучения" и "Генерация математических задач и верификация решений в автоматизированных системах поддержки обучения".

Читаемые курсы: "Дискретная математика", "Комбинаторика", "Математическая логика и теория алгоритмов", "Автоматизация доказательства теорем", "Моделирование социально-педагогических процессов", "Конструирование программ поддержки обучения", "Информационные технологии в образовании".