Bellingham Dixieland All-Stars 

Bellingham’s hottest local dixie jazz. 

    Bellingham Dixieland All Stars

 Since its inception, in 2009, the Bellingham Dixieland All Stars has strived to play the best Dixieland music in Whatcom County.  And through those beginning years, the band was swinging for dancers and listeners in Canada, and as far south as Olympia and continue to do so today.

        The Bellingham Dixieland All Stars was formed when two well-known dixieland jazz players (Jerry Fenwick and Clive Collins) came to Whatcom County to retire and were looking for a band to join.  The band leader, Bob Storms, recognized their talent and set about gathering up the best and most available players to form a band around them.  Each player had valuable experience performing in jazz festivals where the best bands are utilized.  That experience saved hours of rehearsal time as the players were up to any of the challenges and demands of any dixieland repertoire.  The present personnel: Bob Storms, leader & reeds, Nancy Button - vocalist, Frank Kuhl - trumpet, Clive Collins - trombone, John Flancher - bass, Tim Volpicella - guitar, Lou Lippman -  piano, Brent Storms - drums. 

The Bellingham Dixieland All Stars is known for both its artistry and “new dixieland jazz music”.  Bob is a composer of over a 2000 songs and  tunes. The band performs some of them in each show.  Otherwise, the dixieland music they play is what the listeners and dancers are expecting to hear - standard dixieland repertoire that people love to listen and dance to.  The music of the 20s, & 30s is thought to be the Dixieland Era, but Louis Armstrong introduced “Hello Dolly”,  and “Cabaret” in later years to the music and they became Dixieland jazz standards too.  Every toe will be tapping as the Bellingham Dixieland All Stars performs their show.  Its easy to listen to, and dance to, as well.

        Don’t miss this band! Its a great experience to hear dixieland music played well, and surely all ages enjoy the music’s charm.