Workshops and Conferences


  • Spring Research Days at the Graduate School of Economics and Management of Ural Federal University, Russia: 17th - 19th April, 2019.
  • 27th EBES Conference at Bali, Indonesia during 9th - 11th January 2019.
  • Workshop on Jobless Growth in South Asia: jointly organised by the Macroeconomics Research Group of the Indian Statistical Institute Delhi and the World Bank.
  • Workshop in the Faculty of Economics, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia.
  • CREDIT Seminer, Centre for Research on Economic Development & International Trade (CREDIT), University of Nottingham (UK).
  • Fifth Conference on Empirical Issues in International Trade & Finance (EIITF), Indian Institute of Foreign Trade, Kolkata, on 16-17 December 2016.
  • International Conference on "Services, Investment and Global Value Chains" - Centre for WTO Studies, New Delhi, India.
  • Conference on Applied Financial Modelling, Deakin University, Australia on February 4, 2016.
  • 5th "Regional Economics" Workshop of ifo Dresden on 10th September 2015 (also acted as a DISCUSSANT).
  • 14th GEP Annual Postgraduate Conference, University of Nottingham (UK).
  • PhD Year 3 Annual Presentation, University of Nottingham (UK).
  • GEP Workshop 3 February 2015, University of Nottingham (UK).
  • 15th EBES Conference – Lisbon (Portugal).
  • ‘10th Annual Conference on Economic Growth and Development 2014’, organised by the Indian Statistical Institute, New Delhi, India.
  • ‘Winter School 2014’, organised by Delhi School of Economics, Delhi, India.
  • ‘Empirical Issues in International Trade and Finance (EIITF) 2014’, organised by the Indian Institute of Foreign Trade (IIFT), New Delhi, India (also acted as a DISCUSSANT).
  • ‘13th GEP Postgraduate Conference 2014’, organised by University of Nottingham (UK) (poster presentation).
  • Nottingham School of Economics (NSE) Workshop 2013, organised by University of Nottingham (UK).
  • PhD year 1 and year 2 annual presentations at University of Nottingham (UK).
  • ‘Pecha Kucha’ Research Showcase, organised by Economic and Social Research Council, The University Of Nottingham (UK) Doctoral Training Centre (DTC).

Conferences Attended

  • All Senior Academic Seminar (SAS) series, University of Nottingham (UK) that hosts eminent speakers ranging from Professor Alberto Alesina, Professor Gene Grossman, Professor Andres Rodriguez-Clare, Professor Eric Bond and so on.
  • All GEP seminar series, University of Nottingham (UK) that hosts eminent speakers in the area of international trade such as Gianmarco Ottaviano;Nottingham Lectures in International Economics by Professor Brian Copeland on ‘International Trade and the Environment' and by Professor Christian Dustmann on ‘Immigration’; ‘The World Economy Annual Lecture’ by Professor Phillipe Aghion; ‘Nottingham Globalisation Lectures’ by Prof Martin Wolf and so on.
  • Seminars of Prof J. Peter Neary, Prof Raymond Riezman and other eminent researhers in the Festschrift Conference in Honour of Professor Sir David Greenaway at University of Nottingham (UK) on 25th June 2015.
  • 4th TEMPO Conference on International Migration, GEP, University of Nottingham (UK).
  • 12th GEP Annual Postgraduate Conference, University of Nottingham (UK).
  • Attended Conference of Prof. J. Stiglitz on ‘Learning for a New Economy: Insights for the Developing World’ at Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata, India on 11th January, 2012.
  • Attended Conference of Prof. Ronald W. Jones on ‘Real Wages and Non-Traded Goods’ at Rabindra Bharati University, Kolkata, West Bengal, India on 19thJanuary, 2010.

Forthcoming Conference Presentation

  • Fifth Conference on Empirical Issues in International Trade & Finance (EIITF), Indian Institute of Foreign Trade, Kolkata, on 16-17 December 2016.
  • 19th National Conference of the Input-Output Research Association of India, Gokhale Institute of Politics & Economics & University of Mumbai, on 11-12 January 2017.