Other Matters

Some trash news might appear by typing my name in the Google Search Engine. BUT KINDLY MAKE A NOTE THAT THIS IS BASED ON A COMPLETELY FALSE ALLEGATION AGAINST ME AND IT WAS PROVED IN THE Ld. COURT OF LAW ON 01/09/2015 THAT I WAS NOT GUILTY and therefore I was ACQUITTED on the 1st of September 2015. The Honorable Chief Metropolitan Justice ordered:

"That the accused Soumyatanu Mukherjee is found not guilty for the offence punishable under section 66/66A (b) (c)/ 66C / 66D of the Information Technology Act, 2000 [as amended up to date] and he is hereby acquitted from the charge under section 248(1) of the Cr. P.C., 1973."

The copy of the Court Order can be found here: <https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B1-iK6n0i7W3V29Pa0dNRDlwaFE/view?usp=sharing>.

Hence, the matter in the old news articles are TRASH. Hence the visitors who type my name in the Google Search Engine are requested not to have a wrong impression/make a wrong judgement about me from these Trash news on the internet. Thank you.