
Blogs/book reviews/interviews:


1.   Characteristics of the Vietnamese Rural Economy: Evidence from a 2020 Rural Household Survey in 12 Provinces of Vietnam. DERG, Department of Economics, University of Copenhagen (with Saurabh Singhal, Finn Tarp, Alexandra Hidalgo Arestegui, Ariana De Cross, Hoda El-Enbaby, & Timothy Kell-Fien  (2022). .

2. Characteristics of the Vietnamese Business Environment: Evidence from a SME Survey in 2015 Helsinki: UNU-WIDER (with Kasper Brandt, John Rand, Finn Tarp and Neda Trifkovic) [Report Launch in Hanoi in 2016]

3.      Atrocities against Adivasis in India: A Statistical and Institutional Analysis, Interdisciplinary Law Working Paper Series (Issue 1, March 2014), Council for Social Development, Hyderabad