Dr. Antonio Cetrángolo

Dr. Antonio Cetrángolo was a clinical physician, dedicated to tisiology. He worked at the Sanatorio Nacional de Tuberculos Santa María during the period 1917- 1947. His entire career was devoted to the investigation and treatment of tuberculosis. He was also interested in the psychology and social impact of the tuberculosis. His book "Thirty Years Taking Care of men with Tuberculosis" is a delicate painting of his impeccable work and example of life. Its content is prepared with a simple lexicon, easy to understand and contemplates all the dimensions of what the disease was in its time. We appreciate the collaboration of descendants of Dr. Cetrángolo, especially Juan Rosbaco.

Current view of the Rawson Pavilion of the Hospital Colonia Santa María, where Dr. Antonio Cetrángolo served as chief.

Dr. Antonio Cetrángolo y his grandson Juan Rosbaco

The genealogical tree shared by relatives shows us information about Antonio Augusto Cetrángolo born on March 7, 1888 in General Hornos. Antonio married Ángela Carolina Medici (born in Paraná). Antonio passed away in Buenos Aires on Sep 21, 1949.