Submission Information

Please submit an extended abstract of no more than 8 pages, including references, diagrams, and appendices, if any. The format is the standard double column ACM Proceedings Template, Tighter Alternate style.

Please submit your abstract in pdf format only via Easychair at

The deadline for submission is 23:59 Pacific Standard Time on Monday 15th June 2015.

Following KDD tradition reviews are not blinded, so please include author names and affiliations in your submission. Maximum file size for submissions is 20MB.

Important: Overfitting and serendipity are serious challenges to the realistic assessment of approaches applied to small data samples. If you are submitting experimental findings then please give enough detail in your submission to reproduce these in full.

The ideal way to ensure reproducibility is to provide code and data on the web (including scripts used for data preparation if the data provided are unprepared), and we strongly encourage authors to do this where possible.