Call for Papers

The workshop seeks high quality, original and unpublished work on algorithms, theory and systems for learning from clinical data.

Topics of Interest

This workshop would like to encourage submissions on any of (but not limited to) the following topics:




We call for paper contribution of up to 8 pages to the workshop using ICML style. The accepted papers will be available for downloading from the workshop website's Proceedings page. Accepted papers will be either presented as a talk or poster. Papers should be emailed to the organizers at Please indicate your preference for oral or poster presentation. 

Publication of Papers

Accepted papers will be either presented as a talk or poster. They will also be available in an online proceedings that will be made available prior to the workshop. Extended versions of some accepted papers will also be invited for inclusion in an edited book on the same topic as the workshop.

Important Dates

Please remember the following dates in relation to paper presentations.

May 7 - Deadline of submission

May 21 - Notification of Acceptance

June 15 - Camera Ready Submission

July 1 - Workshop Proper