Aurora Watch UK

An app to see the the aurora activity data posted by the University of Lancaster.  Most usefully it can notify you when the University posts an aurora alert. 


Upon reflection we decided to do as the University of Lancaster does and alert even during daylight hours (when an aurora cannot be seen) since it lets you know in advance of nighttime that there is activity that might continue into the night.

There are many possible reasons for this including (though not limited to):

It is worth checking for all of the above.

Also try using the Settings/Get test Alert to see if your phone is receiving push notifications.

The University of Lancaster data takes a while to settle down after the hour ( "The value for the current hour is updated every 3 minutes based on the available data. For this reason the value is often low in the first few minutes of the hour and will increase later-on.".  

Since aurora activity goes up and down during an hour an alert level can be reached at any time in the hour.

Add to that the time lapse with receiving a push notification and the way that phones limit the reception of push notifications it may take a little while for the alert to happen on your phone.

Also note that the time of the alert (the time when the University of Lancaster updated it) is in the notification itself, e.g. "Up to Amber (at 20:14).".  The time on the data (e.g. "23 Nov 2023 20:00") is simply the hour the data is for; not the time of the alert.

The location of the magnetometer is only showing what the University of Lancaster is using. Aurora Watch UK only uses their alert data.  So it cannot be changed and I do not think it makes much difference since we are so far from the sun.  Note that the app says Magnetometer location


Please email any feedback or bugs to

Errors will be easier to follow up if you give as much detail as possible including what happened, your phone model and operating system version.