
Some words to the attachement parts you wear (automaticly) on some helicopters from Real Flight:

- First make sure your sl-viewer settings are 'show avatar on mouselook'. Otherwise you dont see the attachement parts while you in mouselook

- after automatic wear the attachement part, it will place a copy in your inventory. You can delete this parts from your INV later

- Sometimes a sim running out of scripting memory (i see this new situation since a couple weeks). After you get in the Helicopters you get a scripting error message. In this case wear (the still in world rezzed and not attachet part) manually before you start the machine! > right klick and choose more>wear

- If possible detach all scriptet objects from your avatar. Some of them are so heavy scripted and the server had to calculate each time when you cross a sim. Isnt helpful for a good performance.