Practical informations

The scientific program will start at 1:45 pm on Tuesday 18th. A light "wellcome lunch" will be available for those who booked it at Institut Denis Poisson before the program starts.


Seminar Room, Institut Denis Poisson, Université d'Orléans

How to get there?


Between the campus and the city center, you can use the Tram A (tram stop closest to the Institute : "Parc Floral", south of the building), or the bus 7, which connects the bus stop "Parc Floral" (north side of the building) to the central train station. The tram journey between the central train station and the University is about 30 minutes. The bus is faster but runs less frequently. Beyond the city center, the tram A also stops at "Les Aubrais" train station.

Tickets are on sale at any tram station, or on board of the bus (coins required).



Grand Hôtel Orléans

Hôtel des Cèdres


« Le Bâteau Lavoir »


Ask Marie-France Grespier or Julien Barré for advice!