
Each talk is 40mn (+5mn of questions)

The poster session on Wednesday have been canceled; the second afternoon session has been rescheduled earlier.

Tuesday 06/18

12h15-14h15: Welcome lunch

14h15-14h25: Introduction

14h30-15h15: Sara Merino : Coupled Self-Organized Hydrodynamics and Stokes models for suspensions of active particles

15h20-16h05 : Julien Tailleur : Collective behaviours in active matter: from micro to macro.

16h05- 16h30 : break

16h30-17h15: Eric Bertin : Large deviations and chemical potential in bulk-driven systems in contact

17h20- 18h05: Thierry Bodineau :Statistical description of hard sphere gas dynamics (I)

18h10-18h55: Laure Saint-Raymond : Statistical description of hard sphere gas dynamics (II)

Wednesday 06/19

9h- 9h45: Nathalie Ayi A numerical study of the Uchiyama particle model

9h50-10h35: Fernando Peruani Challenges in the derivation of hydrodynamic equations for active systems

10h35-11h :break

11h-11h45: Mauro Mariani Variational convergence of action functional

11h50-12h35: Ohad Shpielberg Universality in dynamical phase transitions of diffusive systems

12h30-14h: Lunch (Agora)

14h-14h45: Stéphane de Bièvre Approach to thermal equilibrium in a collisional environment

14h50-15h35: Tridib Sadhu Conditioned stochastic process: Markov chain and Langevin dynamics

15h40-16h25: Bernard Derrida Large deviations of the density conditioned on the current

16h25-16h50: break

16h50-17h35: Freddy Bouchet Large deviations for interacting particle systems and turbulent flows

17h40-18h25: Davide Gabrielli Gibbsian Stationary Non-Equilibrium States

20h00 : Social dinner « Le Bâteau Lavoir »

Thursday 06/20

9h- 9h45: Nils Berglund Convergence to equilibrium in some singular parabolic SPDEs

9h50-10h35: Aurelio Patelli Respective faithfulness of Boltzmann and hydrodynamic equations for dry aligning active matter

10h35-11h: break

11h-11h45: Johannes Zimmer On fluctuations in particle systems and their links to macroscopic models

11h50-12h35: Cesare Nardini Enhanced diffusion of passive tracers in microswimmers suspensions

12h35 -14h: Lunch (Agora)

14h-15h : Colloquium Sylvia Serfaty