News and Vacancies

August 19-23rd 2019

ECSBM conference takes place at UCD hosted by Dr. Susan Quinn and Prof. Hugh Byrne from DIT.

Stephen presents research on "Single Walled Carbon Nanohorns as Light Activated Cellular Agent," and Dorottya and Mark present their research in the form of posters.

August 16th 2019

Congratulations to Katie McGarry on submitting her Masters thesis.

July 1-13th 2019

Dr. Susan Quinn, Dorottya Kriszan and Mark Stitch undertake Ultrafast time-resolved infrared studies at the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory (RAL) in Harwell.

June 17-21st 2019

Mark attends the first LightDyNAmics meeting hosted in Bologna, to discuss research progress throughout the network.

June 10-14th 2019

Dorottya participates in the VIII Ciamician Photochemistry summer School in Bologna.

June 4th 2019

The group welcomes Eleni Sullivan (Southern Methodist University) and Caroline Crosby (University of Michigan), they will be undertaking summer research internships within the group.

September 7th 2018

Congratulations to Dr. Samir Belhout on graduating and completing his PhD.

Also congratulations to our recent undergraduate students; Stephen Naughton and Maria Byrne. Stephen is now working in Almac Group Ltd in Northern Ireland, while Maria is completing a graduate programme in Pfizer, Cork.

September 2nd 2018

The group welcomes Mark Stitch, arriving from Newcastle University, Mark will be joining the group as a Marie Curie PhD student where his work will be focused on the photo damage of non-conical structures of DNA.

July 20th 2018

Stephen's paper entitled "Multimodal Microscopy Distinguishes Extracellular Aggregation and Cellular Uptake of Single‐Walled Carbon Nanohorns" is accepted to Chemistry A European Journal.

December 13th 2017

Judit, Frederico, Stephen and Dorottya attend the Inorganic Dublin Symposium in Trinity College Dublin (TCD), where Frederico, Stephen and Judit presented their work in the form of posters.

November 17th 2017

Congratulations to Rochelle Ford on successfully passing her viva and completing her PhD.

November 2017

The group welcomes Lydia Martinez, a 4th year undergraduate student from the Universidad de Alcala, Madrid who will be joining the group as an Erasmus student until May.

September 14-15 2017

Clara travels to Birmingham, United Kingdom to attend the Photochemistry Researchers Meeting, where she delivered a talk on the design of carbon nanofibres and metal ion sensing.

September 5-7th 2017

Susan and Stephen attend a Rutherford Appleton Laboratory (RAL) user meeting at St. Catherine's College, Oxford. Susan was a key note speaker. Stephen got awarded best poster (LSF/Artemis user meeting). see for more

September 2017

The group welcomes Dorottya Krizsan who joins as a PhD student.

10-13th July 2017

Frederico, Samir, Clara, Rochelle, Stephen and Susan travel to Liverpool to attend the 13th International Conference on Materials Chemistry (MC13), where Clara and Susan delivered oral presentations and the rest of the group presented their work in the form of posters. see for more

June 28th 2017

Clara and Susan present their research at the SupraChem Colloquium in Maynooth.

April 27th 2017

Stephen is awarded the Best Early Stage PhD poster at the UCD Research Day - 72nd University College Dublin Inaugural Lecture.

January 2017

Welcome to Mona Khan who joins the group as a research masters student.

November 25th 2016

Frederico, Stephen, Hayam and Susan attend the 7th meeting of the Irish Institute of metal based drugs at the Dublin Institute of Technology (DIT). Heyam delivered a flash talk, while Frederico and Stephen presented posters.

July 15th 2016

Frederico and Stephen travel to the RSC Chemistry Centre, Burlington House in London, to attend the 12th Nucleic Acids Forum, where they both presented their work though posters. see for more

July 1st 2016

Samir, Frederico and Stephen attend the 1st Medicinal Chemistry Conference in Trinity College Dublin (TCD), all presenting posters. see for more

March 17th 2016

Samir and Stephen attend the 6th Chemical Nanoscience Symposium in Newcastle. Samir delivered an oral presentation, Stephen presented a poster for which he received the best poster award. see for more

September 2015

Welcome to Stephen Devereux who joins the group as a PhD student and to Hayam Alomaim whos has joined as a research masters student.

September 6-10th 2015

Work from the groups collaboration with Reading, Rutherford and TCD was presenteed by Susan at the 16th European Conference for Spectroscopy of Biomolecules which was held in Bochum in Germany.

August 10-22nd 2015 Frederico, Stephen and Susan travel to the Central Laser Facility in Rutherford for a two week experiment on the excited state dynamics of DNA.

July 9-10th 2015

Susan presented some of the work carried out in the group on carbon porous microparticles at the Catalysis and Sensing for our Environment Symposium 2015 (CASE 2015) held in Trinity College Dublin (TCD).

June 25-26th 2015

Well done Samir who presented a poster on his recent work on supported gold nanoparticles at the 67th Irish Universities Chemistry Research Colloquium held in Maynooth University.

June 21-26th 2015

Susan travelled to give an invited talk at the 15th Time Resolved Spectroscopy Meeting in Madison, US. A really fantastic meeting and looking forward to the 16th TRVS in Cambridge 2017.

Past News

September 10-12th 2012

Work from the group was presented by Susan at the 13th Dalton Discussion meeting held in Sheffield.

September 10th 2012

The group bid farewell to Miguel who started a postion with Intel today. Miguel carried out some fantastic work in his two years in the group and will be missed. We wish Miguel all the best for his new career.

September 3rd 2012

Welcome to Ivan Caffery who joined the group today as a PhD student. Ivan will consider interactions of carbon nanomaterials suring his study and his PhD studies are supported by Intel Ireland.

June 29th 2012

Susan speaks at the Nano Radiation meeting at Queen's University in Belfast.

June 11th 2012

Welcome to Mateusz Wojdyła who joined the group today from Poznan Technical University in Poland. Mateusz will spend three months with us in UCD on an Erasmus traineeship. During his stay he will study carbon nanoparticle binding interactions.

May 14-18th 2012

First group participation at the E-MRS Spring meeting in Strasbourg. Guaranteed to become an annual event.

April 24-26th 2012

Congratulations to Miguel won the best poster prize at the Laser for Science User meeting held in Abingdon UK. Miguel's poster considered the uptake, delivery and imaging properties of carbon particles in cells.