Group Photos

August 19 - 22nd 2019

ECSBM 19 takes place in UCD, chaired by Dr. Susan Quinn and Prof. Hugh Byrne


Mark and Dori present a flash talk on their posters


Stephen gave a talk titled "Single Walled Carbon Nanohorns as Light Activated Cellular Agents"

(left) Mark presents his poster titled "Ultrafast Dynamics of a Ruthenium Polypyridyl Vibrational Stark Porbe in Solution and Bound to DNA Sequences"

(right) Dori presents her poster titled "Spectroscopic Study of the Binding Interactions of Non-Canonical DNA by a New Ruthenium Polypyridyl Probe"

July 29th 2019

Congratulations to summer placement students Caroline Crosby (left) and Eleni Sullivan (right) on the successful presentation of their posters titled "Preparation and Characterisation of Carbon Nanohorn Gold Nanoparticle Composites" and "The Use of Ruthenium Complexes as Molecular Probes for Non-Canonical DNA" respectively.

July 25th 2019

The Quinn group experiences all of the seasons while on a hike to Djouce, followed by lunch at Avoca.

Pictured right: the group at the Djouce summit

Pictured below:

(left) Lough Tay

(right) Mark, Eleni and Caroline (Summer placement students), Susan, Dori, Stephen and Katie

July 7th 2019

Dori and Mark explore the University of Oxford while on their trip to the Central Laser Facility in Rutherford Appleton Laboratories.

June 10 - 14th 2019


Dori attends the VIII Ciamician Photochemistry School in Bologna, organized by the Photochemical Nanosciences Laboratory of the University of Bologna.


Streets of Bologna, Italy.

June 7th 2019

Congratulations to Dr. Clara Deeney (left) and Dr. Badriah Hifni (right) on their graduation day, alongside co-supervisors Prof. Jeremy Simpson and Assoc. Prof. Susan Quinn.

We wish them the best of luck in their future endeavours.

May 27 - 31st 2019 - EMRS 2019

Stephen attends EMRS 2019 in Nice, France, where he gave a talk titled "Single Walled Carbon Nanohorns as Light Activated Therapeutics: From Photosensitization to Radiosensitization."

April 25th 2019 - Research Day

Congratulations to Stephen for being one of the three recipients of the BOC Gases Bursaries for Best Postgraduate Project 2019.

Left: Stephen presenting his work on Single Walled Carbon Nanohorns as Light Activated Cellular Agents, Right: The awardees of the BOC Gases Bursaries; Eduardo Morais, Anna Vetter and Stephen Devereux presented with their diploma.

Quinn group 4th year undergraduate student discussing his poster with Dr. James Sullivan.

Congratulations to 4th year undergraduate Quinn students ,Evan Hackett (left) and Paul Clarke (right) on their poster presentations, titled 'An investigation into the Formation of Gold Nanoparticle Composite Materials and their Applications' and 'Applications of Carbon Nanohorns as Scaffolds for DNA Binding Compounds' respectively.

(Left) UCD Chemical Society (committee including Dori) were delighted to welcome Prof. Steven V. Ley as Inaugural Lecturer.

(Right) Prof. Ley delivered a fascinating talk titled 'Flow Chemistry: New Tools for Molecule Makers'.

March 3rd 2019

Mark and Dori parttake in a 5K Night Run, as part of a group from UCD Chemistry.

April 14th 2019

10K in Phoenix Park as part of the Great Ireland Run.

April 28th 2019

UCD Chemistry group photo after the 10K run in Dublin Night Run for the Sean Cox foundation.

January 21st-25th 2019

Mark attends an introduction week in Naples, for the Marie Curie Actions network (LightDyNAmics) with the fellow Early Stage Researchers.

January 14th 2019

Congratulations to Dr. Badriah Hifni for passing her PhD viva! Celebrations were in order with a Carbon Nanohorn cake (left) and memebers of the Quinn group (right).

December 19th 2018

Quinn group Christmas Dinner, with (left to right) Badriah, Susan, Mark, Stephen, Clara, Dori and Judit with the newest Quinn recruit, little Delia.

December 3rd 2018

Stephen presenting his work in the form of a flash talk and a poster, on the binding interactions of the Ruthenium complex, Ru(phen)2dppz with noncononical structures of DNA at the Coordination and Organometalic Chemistry Discussion Group in UCD.

November 30th 2018

The group attends UCD ChemSoc's annual 12 Pubs of Christmas, dressed for the occasion in their Christmas sweaters.

November 27th 2018

On the left: Mark exploring the petting zoo on the UCD Student Union's 'Mental Health Day'.

On the right: Dori enjoying some Irish themed cake and Guinness after receiving her Irish Citizenship.

November 9th 2018

Congratulations to Dr. Clara Deeney on the successful completion of her PhD viva. On the left: Susan Kelleher, Zoe Pikramenou, CLara Deeney and Susan Quinn.

September 26th 2018

Members of the Quinn group enjoying one of many 'Charity Coffee Morning & Bake Sale's hosted by UCD ChemSoc.

September 7th 2018

Congratulations to former 4th year students, Maria and Stephen for receiving their Bachelor's degree (left). The group proudly sees off Dr. Samir Belhout (right). He will be fondly missed within the group!

(Left) Congratulations to Clara Deeney for the successful submission of her PhD thesis.

(Right) Dr. Samir Belhout graduating alongside Guiry group student Dr. Brian Fitzpatrick.

June 29th 2018

When the Irish heatwave hit, the group could not resist the temptation of a hike in the gorgeous valleys of Glendalough.

From left to right: Martin (placement student), Stephen, Dori, Susan, Mona, Badriah, Cillian (summer intern) and Clara

June 14th and 15th 2018

Stephen makes the Quinn group proud at the Annual Chemical Society Sports Day, winning Best Team and at Tug o' War.

Joint Quinn group student, Dr. Rochelle Ford graduates alongside other chemists; Dr. Jennifer Cookman, Dr. Avene Colgan, Dr. Shaun Smullen and Dr. Malachi Gillick-Healey.

April 26th 2018 - Research day

Clara is awarded the BOC gases award for best PhD research project at School of Chemistry 2018. She delivered a presentation about her work to postgraduates and staff.

4th year student at the Quinn group, Veronica Ee Ching is awarded 'Best 4th year poster in Chemistry', winning an iPad

left: Stephen Devereux discussing his poster on the binding of the light-switch Ru(phen)2dppz complex to quadruplex and i-motif DNA

right: freshly titled Dr. Frederico Baptista seen browsing the posters presented

July 10-13th 2017 - 13th International Conference on Materials Chemistry (MC13), Liverpool

Clara presenting her work on the design of carbon nanofibres and metal ion sensing

June 28th 2017 - SupraChem Colloquium, Maynooth

September 11th 2012

left: Clara presenting her work on carbon nanofibres

right: Susan talking about amino acid modified Fe complexes for DNA binding

Our paper describing the Photophysical studies of CdTe quantum dots in the presence of a Zinc cationic porphyrin (Keane P. M., Gallagher S.A, Magno L.M., Leising M.J., Clark I.P., Greetham G.M., Towrie T., Gun’ko Y.K., Kelly J.M., Quinn S.J.) was presented.

The meeting considered the themes of:

Solar energy

Energy and electron transfer

Applications of strongly emissive complexes

Bond breaking and isomerisation

Susan answers questions during the panel discussion.

Spring Meeting of the E-MRS in Strasbourg where the recent work of the group was presented

Susan Gave a talk:

Unravelling the interactions of carbon nanomaterials and DNA. The role of size, shape, structure and time

Miguel Gave a talk:

Porous carbon microspheres for cellular imaging and drug delivery

David Presented a Poster on:

Assembly of Gold Nanoparticle Monolayers on Porous Carbon Microspheres: A Hybrid Material

Christmas Dinner 2011

Paraic, David, Miguel, Susan, Luke, Renata and Ian

FACSS (Federation of Analytical Chemistry and Spectroscopy Societies) October 2011, Reno, USA

Taking a break FACSS to plan some experiments.

Relaxing after a long day of talks.

RSC Photochemistry Meeting Dublin, May 2011

Miguel discusses his poster on the ultrafast study of cytosine systems with Dr. Anita Jones.

Bioimaging Systems Run in Rutherford, February 2011

March 2011 Run in Rutherford on Carbon Particles and Cells with Paula and Miguel.

Time in Trinity College

Left: Ultrafast work on DNA with Michal, Ian, Ger and Pariac.

Right: John and Thorri, wonderful supervisors, colleagues and friends.