सर्ग १५: त्रिगुण, pg.1

सर्ग १५ सारांश

# त्रिगुण ,साधु ,डमरू ,कंठ नील ,त्रिशूल , शक्ति-गुण ,लक्ष्मी माँ ,मुक्ती-गुण ,सीता माँ ,ज्ञान उपासना , राधा-भक्ति ,तांडव नृत्य

Synopsis of Sita Shakti Kavya Chapter 15:Three Virtues

Lord Shiva appears,disguised as a sage, at the hermitage of Sita as he wants to see her growing children and bless them.

He tells Lav-Kush that the trident represents the three important virtues of life Viz. Shakti (Energy), Bhakti (Devotion) and Mukti (Salvation).