महालक्ष्मी मुक्ती संवाद -पुष्पमाला ३: पातिव्रत्य pg.1

पुष्पमाला ३ सारांश

# घर # सौभाग्य योग-साधना #पातिव्रत्य स्वभाव # पातिव्रत्य एक मोल # पुरुषार्थाचा मूळ गाभा

Synopsis -Mahalaxmi Mukti Samvad Chapter Chapter 3 :Faithfulness to Spouse

Triguna goes to sleep near her Ghat. Then Mahalaxmi and her Yoginis who are in statue forms mystically emerge from their statues . The Yoginis then hold dialogues of spiritual knowledge with Mother Mahalaxmi. In this Chapter they talk about “Pativratya”, Faithfulness to one’s Spouse.