Moon Signs

It would be difficult to find someone who doesn't know their Sun Sign. But there are very few non-astrologers who know that each of us has his or her Moon Sign - the Sign of the Zodiac where the Moon was at the moment of their birth.

Our Moon Sign becomes most noticeable when we are restoring ourselves after significant stress, when we are relaxing after a period of concentrated purposeful activity. The job of consciousness is completed, and the Unconscious arises to restore the balance in the body, bring everything into its normal state.

The Moon Sign is also important for many other facets of human life. It shows the peculiarities of one's emotions, typical habits, the most sensitive parts of the body, how digestion works, which kind of diet is most appropriate for the person, and many other different things.

All right, you might say, but if our Moon Sign is so important, why do only a few of us know our Moon Sign? The problem is that you cannot determine your Moon Sign from just your birth day, as you do with your Sun Sign. The laws of the Moon's motion are quite complicated, and to find out your Moon Sign special tables are needed - or a special program. Please write me (email and ask for your Moon sign placement. After that please check the following downloads for a very good description of your Moon sign.