Welcome to Simply Astrology

A very warm welcome to Simply Astrology. This website provides astrological information that hopefully you will find it interesting and insightful. It is a non-profit making website. The contents are updated regularly so please spend time to surf and come back again!

I started my interest in astrology since I was a child. I looked at the skyline at night, and always wondered why the stars twinkled, and why the moon changed shape every few days. 'Twinkle twinkle little stars, how I wonder what you are." That was my favourite song. I began my formal training in astrology in 2007 and I completed my studies via the American Federation of Astrologers.

I am now a practicing astrological consultant, however I do not count on it for a living. It is my intent to help friends and anyone who are also interested in this long-lost science to see how planetary configurations have affected their lives, and how they can make the best use of their innate strengths that lead to more fulfilling lives.

I provide face-to-face reading on request. While this is not always possible due to my (and everyone's) heavy schedule and location reasons, I am glad to prepare personal, astrolgical reports via email for your reference. Such are less insightful than a face-to-face reading, nevertheless it gives good insight for your astrological profile, and even predictions. Please ask me for the reports (they are explained in coming pages). I may also write you simple comments should time permit.

To see my latest stories please visit my blog: Your Most Favourite Astrologer.

Be blessed.


Parkson Kwok, Hong Kong