

Common Agency with Informed Principals: Menus and Signals     Journal of Economic Theory, Vol.157 (May, 2015), pp. 648-667

Commitment, Flexibility, and Optimal Screening of Time Inconsistency    Econometrica, Vol. 83, No. 4 (July, 2015), pp. 1425-1465

A Theory of Intergenerational Altruism (with Bruno Strulovici)     Econometrica, Vol. 85, No. 4 (July, 2017), pp. 1175-1218

A Theory of Personal Budgeting    Theoretical Economics, Vol. 14, No. 1 (January 2019), pp. 173-210   - Winner of the 2020 Best Paper Award of the Econometric Society -

Persuasion: The Art of Changing Worldviews    American Economic Review, Vol. 109, No. 3 (March 2019), pp. 996-1031

Coordination Motives and Competition for Attention in Information Markets (with Isabel Trevino)    Journal of Economic Theory, Vol.188 (July, 2020)

The Value of Data Records  (with Aleksandr Levkun and Jacopo Perego)    Review of Economic Studies, Vol.91-2 (March, 2024)

Learning from Shared News: When Abundant Information Leads to Belief Polarization (with Renee Bowen and Danil Dmitriev)     Quarterly Journal of Economics, Vol. 138, n. 2, (May, 2023)

Privacy and The Value of Data (with Jacopo Perego)     American Economic Association, P&P, Vol.113 (May, 2023)

Listing Specs: The Effect of Framing Attributes on Choice (with Francesco Cerigioni)    Journal of the European Economic Association, Vol.22 (May, 2023)

Working Papers

Games with Information Constraints: Seeds and Spillovers (with Jacopo Perego)     [R&R, Theoretical Economics]

False Narratives and Political Mobilization (with Kfir Eliaz and Ran Spiegler)     [R&R, Journal of the European Economic Association]

Competitive Markets for Personal Data (with Tianhao Liu and Jacopo Perego)     [Last Update: April 2024, Extended Abstract Accepted in Proceedings of ACM EC, 2024]

My Google Scholar page is here.