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(A) Short Biography
Simona Zambelli is Full Professor of Finance at University of Florence (School of Economics), specialized in Venture Capital & Entrepreneurial Finance. She holds a Ph.D. in Economics of Financial Intermediation, from University of Siena (Italy); a degree in Economics with a legal focus from the University of Bologna (Italy); and a second postgraduate degree in Finance, with a Mathematical Finance specialization, from the University of London, Birkbeck College (London). After specializing in financing of innovation & venture capital at Harvard University, Harvard Business School (as post-doctoral Research Fellow) and Massachussets Institute of Technology-MIT (as guest post doctoral student), she worked as visiting researcher and visiting professor at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute –RPI (NY, USA), and York University-Schulich School of Business (Toronto, CA), where she specialized in Private Equity Impact of Financial Regulation. Before joining the University of Florence, she was Associate Professor of Financial Intermediation a the University of Bologna (Nov 2010-Feb 2021). She also was visiting professor at University of Leicester (UK), Westminster University (UK), IPAG Business School (Paris), where she periodically taught modules related to Investments, and Finance. She is currently engaged in various international research projects with York University (Toronto, Canada), as well as in a number of international exchange programs, as the Reference for International Exchange Program with the Department of Economics of University of Florence. Her main research interests refer to Neurofinance, Gender Diversity, as well as Entrepreneurial Finance, especially in the following areas: Venture Capital, Private Equity, Angel Investing; Financial Regulation Impact, Gender Entrepreneurship, Crowdfunding; Impact Investing, and Securitization. Her research approach is empirical, and she especially enjoys dealing with Law & Finance interaction, perspectives, and implications. She has published several articles in international Journals, including: Journal of Banking and Finance, European Financial Management, International Journal of Management Reviews, as well as books with high rating publishers (such as Oxford University Press). She has written several international publications on: Private Equity Financing, Leveraged Acquisitions, and Corporate Governance in Private Equity. Her undergraduate courses (taught in English) refer to: Finance and Investments; Her postgraduate courses (taught in English) refer to: Venture Capital & Private Equity; Structured Finance; Financial Analysis & Financial Management; Due Diligence; Social Philanthropy and Impact Investing. Her main master courses (taught in English) refer to: International Finance and Entrepreneurial Finance
(B) Education & Post Doc
Harvard University, Boston, USA, Department of Business Economics
- Post doctoral Visiting Fellow in the area of Venture Capital and Private Equity, under the supervision of Prof. Lerner
- Post doctoral in Economics of Financial Intermediation, Department of Management
- Ph.D. in Financial Intermediation with a specialization in Law and Finance
MIT Sloan School of Management, Boston, USA
- Visiting Student for Venture Analysis courses of Prof. Olive Russ
University of London, Birkbeck College, London, UK, Department of Economics
- Second Level Postgraduate Degree in Finance with a specialization in Mathematical Finance
- First Level Degree in Economics with a specialization in legal studies (grade: 110/110 with Honours).
(C) Research Activity & Fellowiship
--> For current Research Activity and Research Interests --> see Research Section
York University, Toronto, Canada, Department of Economics
- Research Fellow, Department of Finance (March 2019; Feb. 2020-July 2020)
York University, Toronto, Canada, Department of Finance
- Visiting Professor in the area of Private Equity & Venture Capital (March 2017; March 2018)
- Research Fellow, Department of Finance
York University, Toronto, Canada, Department of Finance
- Visiting Professor in the area of Private Equity & Venture Capital (March 2016; Nov. 2016)
- Research Fellow, Department of Finance
York University, Toronto, Canada, Department of Finance
- Visiting Professor in the area of Private Equity & Venture Capital (over the academic year: 2014-2015)
- Research Fellow, Department of Finance (over the academic year: 2014-2015)
York University, Toronto, Canada, Department of Finance
- Visiting Professor in the area of Private Equity & Venture Capital; Financial Regulation (single term over the academic year: 2012)
- Research Fellow under the supervision of prof. Cumming (single term over the academic year: 2012)
University of Leicester, Leicester, UK, School of Management (November 2011)
- Banking and Finance Research Symposium
York University, Toronto, Canada, Department of Finance
- Visiting Professor in the area of Private Equity & Venture Capital; Entrepreneurial Finance (2011)
- Research Fellow under the supervision of prof. Cumming (over the years: 2010-2011)
Rensselear Polytechnic Institute, RPI, New York, Department of Finance
- Visiting Professor in the area of Entrepreneurial Finance (years: 2006-2007)
- Research Fellow under the supervision of prof. Cumming (years 2006-2007)
Harvard University, Department of Business Economics, Harvard Business School
- Research Fellow under the supervision of prof. Lerner
University of London, Birkbeck College, London, UK
- Research Fellow and Research Assistant (for research projects on Pension Funds by prof. Blake)
(D) International Conference Presentations
Oxford Said Business School - IFABS 2023 Annual Conference - July 2023
Toronto York University, School of Administrative Studies - Seminar Presentation - March 2019
New York Conference on "Emerging Trends in Entrepreneurial Finance" Stevens Institute of Technology- 1-2 June, 2017 --> Program
London INCORME conference, Institute for Research in Management and Engineering, Brunel University, Dec. 2017 (Role: Invited Speaker)
Toronto York University, School of Administrative Studies - Seminar Presentation - March 2017
Paris Paris Economics, Finance and Business Conference -World Business Institute - (April 7-8-2016; Roles: Chair, Presenter, and Discussant)
Toronto York University Schulich School of Business, (Toronto, Canada) - March 15, 2016
Paris Paris Financial Management Conf 2016, IPAG BUSINESS School, Paris (December 14-15, 2015; Roles: Chair, Presenter, and Discussant)
London 4th European Business Research Conference - Imperial College, London (April 9-10, 2015; Roles: Chair, Presenter, and Discussant)
Toronto Schulich School of Business, Finance Seminar - York University Toronto, Canada (24 March 2015)
Paris Paris Financial Management Conference 2015, Ipag Business School, Saint Germain des Prés, Paris (Dec. 15-16, 2014).
Rome European Financial Management Association (EFMA 2014), University of Tor Vergata, Rome (June 25-28, 2014)
Nottingham International Banking and Finance Society (IFABS 2013), Nottingham University, UK (June 26-28 2013).
Toronto York University Schulich School of Business, Series of Finance Seminars - York University Toronto, Canada (March 2013 ).
Bologna Miex International Conference 2012 University of Bologna (March 31, 2012).
Leicester International Banking And Finance Society (IFABS Symposium 2011), on Banking and Finance Research - Leicester University, Leicester, UK (Nov. 19, 2011).
York York University Series of Finance Seminars, Toronto, Canada (March 5, 2011).
Rome International Banking And Finance Society (IFABS 2011), Annual Meeting, Universita' di Roma Tre, Roma (30 June - 2 July 2011).
Toronto York University -European Journal of Finance + Journal of Business Ethics, Joint Special Issue Conference, On: Law, Ethics And Finance, York University, Toronto, Canada (Sept. 16-18, 2010).
Rimini II International Workshop on Banking and Financial Intermediation, Smes, Growth And Banking: Rimini Center For Economic Analysis Conference, Rimini (Sept. 27-28, 2010).
Cambridge European Financial Management (EFMA 2009) Symposium on: Corporate Governance And Control, Judge Business School (Cambridge University) & European Financial Management Association Cambridge University (April 9-11, 2009).
Bologna Law In Economics International Conference (SIDE), Annual Meeting, University of Bologna (Nov. 7-8, 2008).
Athen European Financial Management Association Annual Meeting (EFMA), Athen, Greece (June 25-28, 2008).
Dublin Ninth Conference Of The Ecb-Cfs Research Network On Asset Management, Private Equity Firms And International Capital Flows: Their Role For Financial Integration And Efficiency", European Central Bank (ECB). Dublin, UK (October 8-9, 2007).
New York Journal of Corporate Finance: Special Issue on Private Equity, LBOs and Governance on: "Private Equity, Lbos, and Corporate Governance", April 20-22, 2006, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (Rpi), Troy, NY.
Program Committee --European Financial Management: "Entrepreneurial Finance & Venture Capital Symposium", 2010, April 15, Montreal, Canada.
Program Committee -- II International Workshop on Banking and Financial Intermediation, Smes, Growth And Banking: Rimini Center For Economic Analysis, Rimini (Sept. 27-28, 2010).
Program Committee -- Conference on "Emerging Trends in Entrepreneurial Finance" Stevens Institute of Technology- 1-2 June, 2017, New York, USA --> Program.
(D) Referee for International Journals - Class A Journals
Referee for Journal of Business Venturing (Rating: A; 5-YR Impact Factor: 3.9; Impact Factor 1Y: 3 ; Journal Citation Report,Thomson Scientific)
Referee for Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal (Rating: A; Impact Factor: 2.9)
Referee for Entrepreneurship Theory & Practice (Rating: A; Impact Factor: 2.5)
Referee for Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization (Rating: A; 5-YR Impact Factor: 1.4)
Referee for International Journal of Management Review (Rating: A; Impact Factor: 3.85)
Referee for European Journal of Finance (Impact Factor 0.5)
Ad Hoc Referee for Journal of Corporate Finance- special issue 2007- (Rating: A; Impact Factor: 1.4) special issue in PRIVATE EQUITY, LBOs, AND GOVERNANCE (from October 2006 to December 2006)
Program Committee --European Financial Management: "Entrepreneurial Finance & Venture Capital Symposium", 2010, April 15, Montreal, Canada.
(E) Teaching Experience inside Italian Universities (over the last Decade)
- Full Professor - Area: Finance, School of Economics, Department of Management and Economics, Florence (from March 2021). Courses: Topics in Finance (Investments, Ethical Finance, and Newurofinance); Private Equity Risk Management; Due Diligence Lab; Firms' Financing - Module 2 (Impact Investing)
- Associate Professor - Area: Financial Intermediation, School of Economics, Management and Statistics - Forlì Campus 2010-Feb 2021 (various courses taught, the vast majority in English, e.g., Financial Institutions Management; Investments; Corporate Governance; Venture Capital; Private Equity and Structured Finance; Venture Capital Philanthropy; Due Diligence Lab)
(F) International Teaching Experience
- Visiting Lecturer - Area: Finance, School of Economics, Florence (from Jan. 2021 - March 2021). Courses: Introduction to Accounting and Finance
- Visiting Professor (International Week -online) - Schulich Business School (Nov 2020)
- Visiting Professor - Schulich Business School (various terms over the academic years 2017-2019)
- Visiting Professor - Schulich Business School, various terms (over the period March 2016)
- Visiting Professor - Schulich Business School (March 2014)
- Visiting Professor - Schulich Business School (academic years: November 2010-March 2011; Nov 2012; March 2013)
Modules on: Private Equity Regulation; Private Equity and Venture Capital
- Visiting professor for the module on "Financial Analysis and Portfolio Theory"
underlying the course of "Investment for managers: theory, regulations and social responsibility" (single periods over the years: 2009-2012)
- Visiting Professor, School of Management (2006; 2007)
- Module on: Private Equity Financing (underlying the course of Financial Management)
- Module on: Venture Capital Contracting (underlying the course of Entrepreneurial Finance)
- Module on: Portfolio Theory (underlying the course of Investments)
- Professor of: Financial Institutions Management (years: 2010-2016).
UNIVERSITY OF BOLOGNA (FORLI CAMPUS) ( previous years until 2016)
- Professor of the following courses:
1- Venture Capital financial analysis;
2- Investments and Financial Analysis;
3- Merchant Banking & Private Equity
4 - Financial Intermediation (2010-2013)
5- Venture Philanthropy (2015-2016)
6 - Due Diligence (2015-16)
-Professor of: Private Equity and Venture Capital (2010-2013)
-Professor of Project Finance (2006-2013)
-Professor of the course on: Private Equity e Venture Capital (years 2009-2011)
- Professor of Risk Management in Banking - Specialization Degree in Financial Mathematics (years: 2006-2010).
(F) Grants
Winner of the following international contests or research grants:
- Canada-Italy Research "INNOVATION AWARD 2018", sponsored by the Canadian Government
- Best Research Paper Awards 2017 (Due Diligence and Investee Performance), presented at the INCORME conference, Brunel University (December 2017)
- Winner of the Italian Research award (FARB) 2017, sponsored by the Italian Governemnt (MIUR)
- Foundation “Cariplo”, Winner of a Three Year Research Grant on Venture Philanthropy (2013-2016); Assigned Institutions: YORK UNIVERSITY and LEICESTER UNIVERSITY
- Government of Canada: Winner of the Facutly Research Program FRP 2011, Assigned institution: YORK UNIVERSITY - TORONTO CANADA (2012-13; project completed in 2013).
- Government of Canada: Winner of the Facutly Research Program FRP 2009, Assigned institutions: YORK UNIVERSITY - TORONTO CANADA (2010-11; projects completed in 2011 --> publications in Oxford University Press 2012 and Journal of Banking and Finance 2013).
- University of Bologna (International Area): Winner of the "Marco Polo Research Grant", Assigned Institution: RPI University, New York (project completed in 2007 --> publication in Journal of Banking and Finance 2010).
- University of Bologna (International Area): Winner of the Exchange Program Mobility 2010, Assigned institution: YORK UNIVERSITY, Canada (2011-12).
- International Rotary Foundation (USA): Winner of One-Year Research Grant; Assigned Institution: HARVARD UNIVERSITY, Harvard Business School, Department of Business Economics, Boston, USA. Grant for Ambassadorial Scholars; Project on: Private Equity Risk Management
Italian Grants
- Foundation "Cassa Risparmi Forlì": Winner of a Four-Year Research Grant (2007-2010): "Ecofondazione". Project on Bank Regulation.
- Winner of the "Leonardo Grant", Assigned Institution: HMD partners, London (2005). Project on Venture Capital Contracting.
(G) Selected Publications & Working Papers
--> See Publications
--> For details on current Research Activity and Research Interests --> see Research Section
--> For more detailed information on Publications --> See Publications