Florence - Picture source: www.commons.wikimedia
Welcome to this Announcements Space, where you can find useful information for office hours and your written projects with me.
-- calender app
Office Hour & Announcements - Please, always visit this link to see updates. Thanks!
OFFICE HOUR (under appointment)- ZOOM Link
During the First Semester, I am available under appointments to better address the student's needs. I am also available for office hour online
During the Second Semester (during the courses): always available before and after each class & it is not necessary to schedule an appointment with me.
But if you prefer to make an appointment with me to meet me during other days, please feel free to write me.
For Thesis purposes: please read and follow ALL instructions below:
AND A FOLDER ALREADY ORGANIZED with the following FOLDERS: "Data"; "Paper"; "Report"; "Thesis", and "Slides".
All the paper syou have read should be properly renamed accordingly to the surname of the first author and the purblication year, such as: Bianchi 2015).
- For students writing a paper/project with me--> Please be aware of an Anti-Plagiarism service available in the university--> -> This anti-plagiarism service is aimed at discouraging the inappropriate tendency to "copy and past" and to forget to cite other works. I plan to use this service for dissertations/ projects/ papers that I have to grade. --> Look at other free anti-plagiarism software. ---> or you can use this software on line
-- Remember to scan your thesis document with a software detecting PLAGIARISM
--> check for plagiarsim, before you give your file to me;
--> you can easily check your file on line with this software
ANNOUNCEMENTS TO MY STUDENTS: "Forewarned is Forearmed"
- If you need information about books, programs, exams... for my courses, please come to the first class of my courses. During that first class of each course or module assigned to me, I will explain in greater detail the information you need to know for the course. Please note that during the months of April and May my office hour is scheduled after all my classes, for working students, therefore you are more than welcome to come to my office T01 after each class. If you miss the first class, instead of writing emails, I strongly invite you to come to my office hours to ask me in person questions about courses, programs, study materials, etc. If you have any doubts about some parts covered in books, classes, papers, study materials, etc., or if you don't understand something, or if you have any questions, please come to class, or come to my office hour and talk to me in person, and DO NOT wait until the last minute (e.g., I consider "last minute requests" any request done 2 weeks before the exam).
For Questions on program and parts related to my courses, please attend the first class of my courses. If you missed my first class, DO NOT WAIT UNTIL THE LAST MINUTE: please come to see me as soon as possible, within May-June in order to solve all the doubts you may have regarding the course material and examination structure. For these types of questions, COME TO MY OFFICE HOUR DIRECTLY AND DO NOT WRITE. I consider "last minute" requests made 2 weeks before the exam. Also note that in the month of August the university will remain closed. Therefore, I am kindly asking you to get organized in advance, if you have questions or doubts solve them in May and June.
- The final grade attributed to a project or paper or exam is not negotiable! And the same holds for the "LAUDE". The "LAUDE" is aimed at recognizing outstanding - superior performance (higher than what is normally expected or requested to pass the exam). Therefore, it cannot be attributed upon a request of an "additional question for Laude", which is totally inappropriate. The attribution of a LAUDE is not related to "an additional question". The same holds for the attribution of the "LAUDE" to papers written for my courses or thesis written under my supervision.
- DO NOT COPY & PASTE SECTIONS, PARAGRAPHs, OR LINES FROM OTHER WRITTEN WORKS. Also, it is NOT OK COPYING THE LITERATURE REPORTED BY OTHER PAPERS, AS WELL AS THEIR COMMENTS ON THE LITERATURE THEY CITE. If you copy some lines or parts, you must include these lines into quotes " " and cite the sources. Also, if you are summarizing (with your words) or elaborating (with your words) some parts, sections, paragraphs or lines written by others, you must ALWAYS cite the source, no matter what!! Always cite the source below each Figure, or Graph. The same holds even if you copy citations reported by others in other papers (that you did not read). In these cases, You should add a footnote specifying "citations reported in.........." Why? Because you should respect and properly cite the research work of Others.
--> Any dissertation or project or paper that is COPIED, in one or more parts or one or more paragraphs, from other papers without proper citations or quotations, will be automatically declared void and evaluated with a mark of "0" (= fail) no matter what (even though other parts or sections of the paper may be original). The same holds for copying citations or literature reviews written by others. You must elaborate the literature with your words and always cite everything. It is NOT OK copying citations and literature reviews or comments to the literature written by others. If you do it, you say it, otherwise, your work will be evaluated with a mark of "0" (= fail) no matter what (even though other parts or sections of the paper may be original).
ANNOUNCEMENTS AND INFORMATION For Written Projects and Thesis under my supervision
Follow the format of Journal of Banking and Finance (download any article of JBF and follow precisely its format ). (for example, you can download the following article). --See below some more examples
1- Before Submitting your thesis or project work to me, please Cross-check source and citations in the text and in the "Bibliography-list". EVERYTHING YOU CITE IN THE TEXT SHOULD BE REPORTED IN THE FINAL BIBLIOGRAPHY (otherwise is a sign of LACK OF ATTENTION OR EVEN WORSE). The Bibliography list should report ONLY the papers or books cited in the text (and nothing more) --> Always DOUBLE-CHECK your sources and citations in your project, papers, thesis and dissertation and do not copy and paste. The papers you cite in the text and in the bibliography must be the same papers. Inconsistencies in the references you cite will be reported and reduce your final grade.
2- In the text and in the final bibliography-list, as well as below each Table or Figure of your paper or project, you must ALWAYS report and cite (properly) all the sources that you have considered and give credit to all authors you considered for your paper/project.
3- Below each Table and Figure, you SHOULD ALWAYS report the exact Source, weblink, and page (from where you take the numbers, or Figures, or Tables). You should also report the exact weblink, from where you take numbers, figures, etc.
4- In the text and in the bibliography-list of your paper, you must include ONLY the papers that YOU (not others) downloaded, studied and analyzed for your paper. If you copy citations reported by others in other papers --> you must specify in a Footnote "citation reported in ......" . If you copy citations or reviews of literature written by others, you must say it, otherwise your project/paper will be automatically evaluated as INCOMPLETE and INSUFFICIENT (regardless of the quality of the other parts in your paper).
--> Why is it so important to cite other works??? --> Download the VIDEO on HOW AND WHY TO CITE!
5 - Also it is important that you report your references in the most complete way and you must be consistent with the format and style you choose. Inconsistencies will reduce your final grade. For information on a standardized CITATION STYLE commonly used in the field of banking and finance, please download any article from Journal of Banking and Finance and carefully follow the style and the format of citations reported in the text and in the bibliography list.
- Please make sure you carefully list all the papers you have downloaded and read, and use the following format -- for all the papers, chapters, books you list -- --> Before going further, please download and carefully follow the format of any articles in Journal of Banking and Finance (for example, you can download the following article).
--> For the references inside the text, carefully follow the format of any articles in Journal of Banking and Finance
--->For the references at the end of your study, paper, thesis, please follow the instructions below
Follow the format of Journal of Banking and Finance (download any article of JBF and follow precisely its format )
In the text, you should report Surname and Year
In the Bibliography list, please follow the following recommendations
FOR ARTICLES: Surname, D., Surname, S., 2017. Title of Article. Journal Name, 34(2), 441-456
BOOK CHAPTER: Surname, D., Surname, S., 2017. Chapter Title. In: Surname, D. (Ed) Title of Book. Editor, Location
FOOR BOOK: Surname, D., 2017. Title of Book. Editor, Location
WORKING PAPERS: Surname, D., Surname, N., 2017. Title of Article. Working paper available at: www.exact web link
REPORT PAPERS: Surname, D., Surname, N., 2017. Title of Article. Report available at: www.exact web link
EXAMPLES (IN THE REFERENCE LIST at the end of the article):
Baer, N., Barry, E., Smith, G. (2020). The name game: The importance of resourcefulness, ruses, and recall in stock ticker symbols. Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance, 76, 410-413.
--- you can decide to include the parenthesis or not
Baer, N., Barry, E., Smith, G., 2020. The name game: The importance of resourcefulness, ruses, and recall in stock ticker symbols. Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance, 76, 410-413.
HOW TO CITE THIS ARTICLE INSIDE THE PAPER (if the authors are more than 2)
Recent studies (e.g, Baer et al., 2020) show that.....
Recent studies (Baer and Barry, 2020) show that.....
Please make sure you carefully follow the format style provided above (included commas). A Bibliography list not well preparred, not precise, not organized, with mistakes, or incomplete, or inconsistent in style is a sign of LACK of ATTENTION, or LACK OF DEDICATED TIME: this lack will be considered and will reduce the final mark of the entire project.
--> Any dissertation or project or paper that is COPIED, in one or more parts or one or more paragraphs, from other papers without proper citations or quotations, will be automatically declared void and evaluated with a mark of "0" (= fail) no matter what (even though other parts or sections of the paper may be original). The same holds for copying citations or literature reviews written by others. You must elaborate the literature with your words and always cite everything. It is NOT OK copying citations and literature reviews or comments to the literature written by others. If you do it, you say it, otherwise, your work will be evaluated with a mark of "0" (= fail) no matter what (even though other parts or sections of the paper may be original).
-->If you are still confused, please read the STEPS/METHODOLOGY on how to COLLECT & CITE papers
Look at this VIDEO.
-For students who are writing their thesis with me--> Please note that I will select students to supervise for thesis purposes during the months April - July every year. If you are interested in implementing your thesis with me, please come to my office hour with an idea you want to implement, and a 2-page research project (plus an updated list of References you plan to use).
Please be aware of an anti-plagiarism service available at unibo --> I plan to use it for the dissertations that I have to grade or supervise. Please carefully CHECK your citations in your thesis or dissertation and please DO NOT COPY and paste. Any thesis that is copied in one or more parts from other papers or works, without proper citations or quotations, will be reported and automatically eliminated from the final discussion of the graduation day. --> other anti-plagiarism software -
- For students who plan to not attend classes --> If you need information about books, programs, exams..., please come to the first class of my courses. During that first class of each course or module assigned to me, I will explain in greater detail the information you need to know for the course. Please note that during the months of April and May my office hour is scheduled after all my classes, for working students, therefore you are more than welcome to come to my office T01 after each class. If you miss the first class, instead of writing emails, I strongly invite you to come to my office hours to ask me in person questions about courses, programs, study materials, etc. If you have any doubts about some parts covered in books, classes, papers, study materials, etc., or if you don't understand something, or if you have any questions, please come to class, or come to my office hour and talk to me in person, and DO NOT wait until the last minute (e.g., I consider "last minute requests" any request done 2 weeks before the exam).
I won a promotion for a higher position at the University of Florence (from March 1, 2021). I am still available to guide my previous students to complete their theses (accepted before winning the new position). Unfortunately, the pandemic situation did not allow me to properly say Goodbye to you in person (as I would have loved to do). You always gave me the right motivation to give the best of me, no matter what. Please, feel free to update me whenever you want and please Remember: Always follow your dreams, despite the obstacles you may find along your journey, and never stop to look up at the light above. I will never forget you! Feel free to visit me in Florence!! Take care & The best of luck!!!!! Simona