DragonForce 65 Care

DragonForce Care

After several seasons of sailing a DragonForce65 with the Solomons Island Model Boat Club, I have come to appreciate the value of regular maintenance and proper preparation. A troublesome boat can ruin your day on the water, and may lead to your losing interest in the DragonForce65.

Boat Setup and Tuning:

· Properly set up, the DragonForce65 is a delightful and competitive boat. When it is not, it is nothing but frustrating. There are many sources of information on tuning a DragonForce. Google “DragonForce65 tuning” and you will be presented with multiple articles and videos. It’s there for the taking.

Pre-Race Preparation:

· Check and test battery and transmitter function at least a day ahead. This will give you time to find and correct any problems.

· Properly seal all deck openings. The adhesive deck covers that came with the boat are only good for a few uses. After that they lose the ability to properly seal. Use a good quality vinyl electric tape. A roll will give you years of use, and a fresh seal every race. THERE IS NO SUBSTITUTE.

· Check the elastic return band. It’s very susceptible to UV and salt water damage. Replace often. You can get a long length from the DragonForce website, or you can get a fabric covered substitute from a store like Michael’s.

· Apply a corrosion inhibiter such as “Corrosion X” to all metal components before each race.

Post Race

· Turn off and unplug battery. Preferably remove battery.

· Thoroughly flush boat and sails with fresh water; even the interior.

· Open all hatches and remove tape. Let the boat air out.

Regular Maintenance and Storage

· Store the boat with the sails fully out. This will relieve the tension on the elastic return band and extend its life.

· Apply dielectric grease to all electric contacts. A small tube can be bought from most any automotive supply store.

· Once a year apply a coat of car wax to the hull. This will extend the plastic hull’s resistance to UV.


· Upgrade your original battery bundle to a LiFe battery. These are rechargeable, and much smaller and lighter than the AA bundle. It easily fits in the small forward opening in the hull. An inexpensive battery and charger can be obtained from the DragonForce website, or most any online hobby outlet. The long term savings will more than cover the initial cost.