Quick Setup

1) Copy SMod.pk3 to your GameData\base folder (also to another folders if you play other

mods, for example to GameData\japlus folder to use SMod in ja+). Also do the same

with optional pk3 files if you want them, namely:

hud_transp_console.pk3 for transparent console

hud_radar.pk3 for gray radar instead of ugly yellow

votemappreview.pk3 to see map preview image in vote menu

rocket_flash_fix.pk3 for no white flash

2) Set auto demoing for your needs,

cg_demoautorecord 1

for jka automatically recording every game BUT it will delete every such a demo

unless you used savedemo command, so bind:

bind I "savedemo"

(use any key you wish of course) and press this key during the game if you want it

to be saved (during nice shots, at the end of match, etc). If you still forget to

save it this way, you can get last demo during next map/match in

demos\autosaved\LastDemo.dm_26, but it will last only until another

map restart/new map (so just use q3e minimizer or disconnect and copy this file

somewhere else to save it).

Demos will be saved in the demos folder with times (of when you used savedemo

command, i.e. when you had nice shots or so) and map name in file name. For example

1350_ctf4.dm_26 (1350 = 13:50 of game time).

cg_demoautorecord 0

no auto demo recording at all

3) CTF statistics can be viewed anytime during game by sm_stats command (it gathers

information from last showed scoreboard, so you may want to show scoreboard before

using this command to have latest information). You can also set automatical

statistics showing at the end of each game by setting

cg_autostats 1

4) Embedding player info in chat messages, like health, force, shields,

current position, by using sm_say command (for say) and sm_say_team (for say_team)

and then use special tokens for each information sourrounded by % signs, tokens are:

%H% - health

%S% - shield

%F% - force

%P_Base% - current base (Our base, The middle, Enemy base)

%P_Object% - nearest object (weapon, flagstand or boon currently)

%B_Some text to show if you have force boon%

Every such token will be then replaced by according info. Sample of CTF binds:

bind 5 "sm_say_team ^7GET ; "

bind 6 "sm_say_team ^7CAP ;"

bind 7 "sm_say_team ^7SK (^1%H%^7/^2%S%^7/^4%F%^7) %B_!!!BOON!!!%; "

bind 8 "sm_say_team ^7TH (^1%H%^7/^2%S%^7); "

bind 9 "sm_say_team ^7TE (^4%F%^7); "

bind 0 "sm_say_team ^7HELP NEAR ^5%P_Object%; "

5) Scoreboard font has been changed in 1.2, but you can activate old font with

cg_oldFont 1