
v1.10B (07/27/2014) - updated libcurl version used for map auto download - fixed SSL issues with auto download - improved autodl logging into Gamedata/curl_verbose.log, cg_downloaddebug 1 logs only latest download attempt, cg_downloaddebug 2 logs all attempts (potentionaly huge file can be created over time) - stripping leading spaces in player names on scoreboard when there are color codes - show private slows on scoreboard - added left vertical bar for weapons ammo stats, try cg_drawVerticalBar 1 or 2

v1.9 (09/06/2013)

- skins are now picmiped again, use r_nopicmipskins 1 to keep them in high quality - team colors are now forced for custom skins - client side prediction support for base_enhanced captain duels feature - added fixed_console_font.pk3 for complete console font, including some characters that were previously blank (by eezsteet) - fixed looping sounds not sticking to players, for example speed, rage, seeing, all now have looping sound following the player - fixed overstrike/insert mode bug (by alpha) - fixed bug with spectator's skin/saber shows for a moment when map is restarted sometimes - no-cd patch incorporated - fixed some line efffects to be visible from all angles. (disruptor, mine laser, drain, lightning, etc) - added support of empty string ("") for cg_forceenemymodel and cg_forceallymodel, which means that original skin will be used for enemies and allies. This way it is possible to force only enemy skins (or only ally skins) - allowed special version of seeing with names over players for spectators and when playbacking a demo - fixed several first person weapon animation bugs, including broken concussion animation (by eezsteet) - allowed cg_fpls (first person lightsaber) - added cg_hudteamcolored to allow color hud according to teams (default 0, basejka behaviour is 1) - added cg_fixratio to allow disable/enable non 4:3 resolution fix (when encountering problem with some hud menus for example) - map_restart countdown now shows even when following player from spec - fixed printing of ctf message when flag gets returned by itself (pit/timeout) - improved auto download to support redirect (due to recent dropbox issues)

v1.8 (05/07/2012)

- fixed dissappearing picked items icons (did happen on weapon switching)

- fixed truncated nicknames in "A was shot by B" messages

- fixed black screen when connecting to invalid hostname/ip from ingame (by Razor)

- fixed alt+enter funcionality (by Razor)

- added cvar cg_drawRecording, allows to disable RECORDING xyz.dm_26 message

(needs vid_restart to take effect)

- console content is not sent as a chat message if it is not preceeded with / or \


- console now allows mouse scrolling, also holding CTRL key makes scroll 3x faster

- added captures, assists and defense rewards, you can get icons gfx in ql style by

using the ql_rewards.pk3 included in SMod 1.8 (or make your own). This feature needs

cg_drawrewards 1 (by Alpha)

- fixed transparency for text with color codes (for example in "You killed ^1Bob" the red

part wasnt dissapearing correctly, that should be fixed now)

- pressing ESC key during demo playback now opens ingame menu, rather than closing

the demo immediately (you can now leave the demo through ESC -> Exit)

- fixed cg_forcemodel 2 issue with wrong skin after changing team

- chatbox lines width limit decreased, it shouldnt reach the screen edge now

- multiple timers are possible now, for example /sm_timer 60 2 1 1 1 creates

60 seconds timer with internal id 2 and RGB color (1.0,1.0,1.0) (white)

- fixed short camera blink happening at some map restarts

- moved followed player name during spectator at the top of the screen and decreased its size

- fixed trap_R_Font_StrLenPixels bug causing mostly wrong text alignments (by Razor)

- fixed JKA exploit that allowed attacker to hijack his connection to the server

and redirect him to another server by flooding him with spoofed packets (by Razor)

- added cl_numcores cvar for setting processor affinity, set 0 for default behaviour, i.e.

all cores used. It is recommended to keep this value at 1, as jka is not optimized for

multiple cores (changes need vid_restart, map change, etc to take effect)

v1.7 (1/12/2011)

- added varMath (thanks to Teh)

- added HTTP autodownload redirecting, quickly downloads

the map for you (thanks to Teh again!)

(server must use one of the g_dlURL system cvar

which tells the client where to download stuff)

- fixed premature cutting of center text that includes colors

- cg_strafehelper 2 now shows ideal directions for inverted strafe

- fixed issue with cg_forcemodel being turned off on map change

- fixed choppy prediction movement with pmove_fixed 1

- fixed non 4:3 resolutions ratio bug for some images (hud, radar, crosshair)

- fixed inccorect hud armor information for amount above limit

- fixed several skins exploits

- added cg_drawWeaponsNames, allows to hide weapons name in selection (for cleaner HUD)

- added cg_hudSideDistance, allows to set distance of hp and ammo widgets of hud cg_hudfiles 1

from side of the screen

- added cg_siegeTimersBoth, allows to see respawn timer permanently

- cg_crosshairX, cg_crosshairY offsets now work (even with dynamic crosshair on)

- sv_cheats is automatically set to 1 once you start playing demo

- added cg_jumpsounds 2 possibility to disable jumpsounds for client himself but keeping

jumpsounds for others

- added cg_rollSounds to allow partially or fully disable roll sounds, 0=off for everyone,

1=on for everyone, 2=on for everyone but client

- added players count to bottom left at the scoreboard

- savedemo command now has optional tag argument, which will be then appended at the beginning

of the demo file, i.e. "/savedemo stunbatonair" could save the demo in format like


- several minor bug fixes

v1.6 (25/5/2011)

- added cg_multiKillMessage to allow printing multiple "You killed ..." messages

when you kill more enemies at the almost same time

- added cg_chargeShake to possible disabling/allowing camera (and therefore crosshair) shaking

during weapon charging with 1st person view

- improved cg_drawspectated to be more accurate (still not 100% though)

- fixed bug that could crash the client when using cg_drawmovementkeys 1

- fixed bug where team overlay were showing during spectating (with incorrect info anyway)

- fixed incorrect aiming in 3rd person (crosshair pointed to other place than it did in 1st person)

to activate this feature, use cg_thirdPersonCrosshairCenter 0 (this all matters only with

cg_dynamiccrosshair 0)

- fixed incorrect CG_WorldCoordToScreenCoord function which caused bugs like extremely

shaking crosshair when shooting or red rocket lock image floating everywhere but the right spot

- fixed whisper bug with messages containing ";"

- cvars cg_gunX, cg_gunY and cg_gunZ are no more cheat protected to allow weapon position customizing

- weapon does not sway in 1st person as you walk with cg_drawGun 2

- added cg_crosshairColorIdentifier, set to 0 if you dont want to have crosshair colored according to

ally/enemy team

- fixed some font scaling issues (hud, siege timer, etc...)

- fixed bug with incorrect displaying messages for players whose nicknames begin with "*"

- fixed bug with odd names not showing in crosshair correctly

- added cg_hudFontSize cvar allowing you to customize font size for cg_hudFiles 1, default is 1.0, previous

SMod versions worked implicitly with value 0.8

- browsing demos in another mod than "base" now correctly lists demos of that specific mod demos folder

- demo list window is reopened after viewing demo (on same position where the previous demo was started)

- added cg_timestampformat to allow customize scoreboard time stamp format, default is "%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S",

you can use formating in style of C strftime() function (see

for more), pm/am format would look like "%Y/%m/%d %I:%M:%S %p"

v1.5 (15/2/2011)

- strafehelper lines replaced with more fancy lines

- fixed bug where corpses didnt keep color of team

- fixed map name sorting (case insensitive now)

- fixed bug where there was wrong map list (for another gametype)

- fixed bug where elevators seemed laggy (on servers which were running several days)

- added cg_disruptTime allowing to set life of disrupt shot (similar to quake railgun effect for higher values)

and cg_disruptMainSize,cg_disruptAltSize for constant radius settings

- added cg_drawDroppedFlag to allow disable drawing dropped flag icons

- added cg_drawFlagHoldTimer to see flag holding time in real time

- added sm_timer command for general timer, one can bind for example something like

bind U "sm_timer 30" which will countdown 30 seconds

- added map preview to vote menu (optional pk3 file)

- cg_autoStats is now 1 by default

- added install.txt with notes to do first configuration quickly and also

commands.txt with detail commands/cvars list

- raised map list buffer size (helps when you have too many maps and dont see some of them in list)

v1.4 (1/1/2011)

- added most common widescreen resolutions to game settings

- retrieved "Killed by" message (removed when i was recreating scoreboard)

- moved drawspectated names more to the right

- maps are now sorted by their names

- you can draw capture (flag) times with cvar cg_drawCaptureTimes set to 1

- added possibility to render ideal 3D directions for strafe jump, it can be turned on

by cg_strafehelper set to 1 (type /cg_strafehelper to see additional commands)

- added cg_forceEnemyModel and cg_forceAllyModel cvars which can be set to model name

for entire team (ally, enemy or both), it does take effect only if cg_forceModel is set to 1

(you can also set cg_forceModel 2 which is same as 1 only then you keep your own model)

- text "Unknown Vote" replaced with true vote string and also added support when server has its

own votes strings

v1.3 (7/11/2010)

- cg_oldFont added to allow old scoreboard font known from

older SMod versions (set cg_oldFont 1)

- cg_thirdPersonFlagAlpha for setting value of transparency of flag model when in

3rd person view, set 0 to normal, values from 1 to 255 for transparent flag

(lesser value mean less visible)

- lagometer corrected for demo playback (not showing ping there)

- lowered frequency of showing ping on lagometer (so it is actually readable)

- 2 original jka voices (although unused) "you won the match" and "you lost the match"

added to the end of match for CTF and TFFA

- added server running time info to About menu

- allowed "Air Support" in voice commands menu

- fixed some jka client bugs

v1.2 (26/10/2010)

- added speedometer (cg_speedometer 1)

- changed lagometer

- flag model transparent for 3rd person view (independent of skin)

- scoreboard and voting font changed

v1.1 (16/10/2010)

- team colors now dont affect color of hud (health bar, force, ammo)

- added cg_drawspeedZ command

- fixed some minor bugs

v1.0 (13/10/2010)

- finished scoreboards for other mods

- fixed some stuff in sieges

- fixed annoying bug when specing around vehicles (often seen on mp/siege_desert)

v0.998 (10/10/2010)

- fixed isssue with autostats not appearing sometimes

v0.997 (6/10/2010)

- fixed problem with saving demo where with same name already exists another demo (now saves the demo with

suffix number, for example 2005_ctf_nelvaan.dm_26, 2005_ctf_nelvaan(1).dm_26 etc)

- some texts are now smaller (loading screen for example)

v0.996 (1/10/2010)

- 2 new tokens added, %P_Base% and %P_Object%, first for reporting current base (our base, the middle,

enemy base) and second for reporting nearest object (weapon, flagstand or boon currently)

example: bind 8 "sm_say_team ^7TH (hp ^5%H%/%S%^7 in ^5%P_Base% ^7at ^5%P_Object%^7); "

bind 9 "sm_say_team ^7TE (force ^5%F%^7 in ^5%P_Base% ^7at ^5%P_Object%^7); "

v0.995 (29/9/2010)

- times of using "savedemo command are now including in demo name instead of datetime,

moreover concept of folders with dates was replaced by just 2 temporary demo files, LastDemo.dm_26

and LastDemo_recording.dm_26. If you forget to use savedemo command, you still can switch to windows

and rename LastDemo.dm_26 before game deletes it (which will happen on next round start)

- printing statistics should work fine now (set cg_autostats to 1 to make it work)

- whispering should work fine now (just use "/sm_whisp" command and interface will appear)

- removed autoscreenshot feature

v0.99 (3/9/2010)

- sm_stats // print game statistics (see screenshot)

- cg_autoStats // if 1 automatically print stats at the end of match, default 0

- cg_autoScreenshot // if 1 automatically makes screenshot at the end of match, default 0

- cg_drawSpectated //if 1, prints which players are spectators watching, default 0