Open Positions (as on Nov 2022)

Post-doc positions

Currently 1 Post-doctoral position is available in our group :
Listed below are some possible topics, but any other relevant research is also encouraged.

  • Development of novel predictive tools using combined physics and data-driven modelling and simulations

The role of this Post-doc position is in developing predictions of shear banding and formation of porosity thereof during rapid filling and freezing conditions. The candidate will work closely with two PhD students in the group

PhD/Project Positions

PhD Topics (industry funded - Collaboration with Ford and University College London, UK.)

  • Prediction of shear banding in solidifying alloys

  • Physics-driven AI model development for defects in materials

Interested candidates (those willing to take up direct PhD after BE/BTech also considered) may contact me with their short CV.

The candidate will be co-supervised by Prof. Peter Lee @ UCL ( ), and the PhD will also involve synchrotron imaging experimentation and analysis of defects.

Strong interest in any of the following areas is desired: Computational and Data methods, Transport phenomena/CFD, Solidification and microstructural evolution


Summer Research Fellowship Program (SRFP) of the Science Academies:

IITB Research Internship Scheme:

IITB Summer Undergraduate Research Program (SURP):

If you are interested in applying to Post-doc or PhD positions, please write to me at s.karagadde [at] with your CV.

Before deciding on doing a PhD, I strongly urge you to read the following article - "Notes on the PhD Degree"
