Shuhei Kitamura
Associate Professor
ISER, Osaka University
Japan Political Economy Group (J-PEG)
Research interests
Economic development, political economy
Upcoming talks
February 17, Public Policy Studies Association, Kansai University (invited talk)
April 23, Hong Kong Baptist University
May 16, World Bank Land Conference 2024, Washington D.C.
June 21, CiNet
September 24, Otaru University of Commerce
Fall 2024, Japanese Economic Association Fall Meeting, Fukuoka University (invited talk)
Publications E=Economics, P=Psychology, PS=Political Science
The Constructive and Destructive Power of Social Norms in the Presence of Authoritative Influence (with K. Yamada). American Psychologist, 2023, forthcoming. (P)
Now or Later?: The Inter-temporal Decision-making of Electoral Participation (with T. Matsubayashi). Political Behavior, 2022, Vol. 45, 1683–1709. (PS)
Geography and State Fragmentation (with N.-P. Lagerlöf). Journal of the European Economic Association, 2020, Vol. 18(4), pp. 1726–1769. (E)
Working papers
Economic development, political economy, and cultural change
Quantifying the Influence of Climate on Human Mind and Culture: Evidence from Visual Art Submitted
Cities, Conflict, and Corridors (with N.-P. Lagerlöf)
Tillers of Prosperity: Land Ownership, Reallocation, and Structural Transformation Reject and resubmit at American Economic Review
Loyalty and Treason: Theory and Evidence from Japan's Land Reform
Human behavior, psychology, and neuroscience
Semantic Processing of Political Words in Naturalistic Information Differs by Political Orientation (with Aya S. Ihara) Submitted
Destructive Behavior, Judgment, and Economic Decision-making under Thermal Stress (with I. Almås, M. Auffhammer, T. Bold, I. Bolliger, A. Dembo, S. Hsiang, T. Miguel, and R. Pickmans) Conditionally accepted at The Economic Journal
Media coverage: CNN, National Public Radio (NPR), VoxDev
Public Media Do Serve the State: Evidence from a Randomized Experiment (with T. Kuroda)
"Towards Transparent Economic Research: Pre-Analysis Plans and Registered Reports". Presentation slides prepared for a tutorial session at the 2nd Japan Association for Development Economics (JADE) Conference.