Insight of my skills

Fabrication Process Tools: Maskless Lithography via Focused Ion Beam Lithography, Optical Lithography through Mask Aligner (OAI200) & Spin-coater.

Characterization Tools: Spectrum analyzer, oscilloscopes, Vector Network Analyzer, RF probe stations (Cascade), DC probe station (Everbeing), Keithley’s 4200SCS.

Device’s Parameter Extraction: Neural networks and Support vector machine.

Circuit Level Interfacing: VerilogA modelling.

Scientific Softwares: Agilent (Advanced Design Systems), Cadence (Spectre, Virtuoso & Assura), Matlab, HSpice, Tanner (S-edit, W-edit, L-edit & TSpice), Silvaco (Atlas & Athena).

Paper & Report Writing Tool: Microsoft Office, LaTeX, Origin.

Outreach Activities

1. Served as General Secretary (Library) in Acharya Jagadish Chandra Bose Hall of Residence IIT Kharagpur from July 2014 to July 2015

2. Served as Organizing Committee in Research Scholar’s Day of Advanced Technology Development Center, IIT Kharagpur on July 2015.

Workshop Attended

National Workshop on Timing Analysis of Digital VLSI Circuits at IIIT Allahabad on 3-4 November, 2012

Workshop on Machine Learning and Social Networks at IIT Kharagpur on 8 March, 2014

Author Workshop jointly organized by Springer & IIT Kharagpur on 16 January 2015

Workshop on Scholarly Publishing jointly organized by Wiley & IIT Kharagpur on 23 March 2015

Awards and Honors

• GATE Scholarship, In 2010 for pursuing M.Tech got scholarship from Ministry of Human Resource and Development, Government of India.

• IIT KGP Institute Scholarship, In 2012 for pursuing PhD got scholarship from Ministry of Human Resource and Development, Government of India.

• International Travel Grant from Ministry of Human Resource and Development (MHRD) India for EMRS Fall Meeting, 2015, Warsaw Poland

Its Our Four-Chamber Cluster Tool MBE machine

Photo Luminescence Setup

ECV Setup

Wafer placement for 4 probe HALL measurement


Mask Aligner


DC Probe Station

Keithley Setup for DC characterization

Cascade's RF PROBE STATION & Agilent's VNA

DC Characterization setup