Suzhou Area Youth Mathematicians 4th Annual Workshop: Data and Finance

Suzhou has been experiencing rapid economic development, with various development zones and a large number of high-tech enterprises. The number of universities in the Suzhou region has been increasing, accompanied by a significant improvement in research capabilities. In order to promote communication and collaboration among young researchers in the field of mathematics in Suzhou and facilitate project integration with high-tech enterprises, we organized the 'Suzhou Regional Young Mathematicians Conference' on November 14-15, 2020, at Duke Kunshan University. Subsequently, the second and third editions of the conference were successfully held at Suzhou University and Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University. Through a series of conferences, we aim to strengthen communication and cooperation among universities in the Suzhou region and enhance project collaboration with high-tech companies, laying the foundation for the establishment of a (applied) mathematics center in the Suzhou region (or at a higher level) in the future.

一直以来,苏州市经济发展迅速,拥有各类开发区和数量众多的高新科技企业。苏州地区的高校数量一直在增加,相应的科研水平也有显著提高。为了促进苏州地区数学学科青年科研人员的交流与合作以及与高新科技企业的项目对接,我们于2020年11月14-15日在昆山杜克大学举行“苏州地区数学青年会议“。 之后再苏州大学和西交利物浦大学成功举办了第二,三届。 通过一些列会议,我们期待加强苏州地区高校之间的交流与合作,加强与苏州地区高新企业的项目合作,为将来筹建苏州地区(或者更高层次)的(应用)数学中心打下基础。

On October 20-22, 2023, we will hold the fourth edition of the conference at Duke Kunshan University. The theme of this conference is 'The Fusion of Data Science and Finance: Innovation and Challenges.' In today's highly digitized and information-driven era, data science and finance, as two key domains, play a crucial role in driving business development, decision-making, and risk management. The techniques and methods of data science provide financial institutions with deeper insights, aiding in accurate market trend prediction, portfolio optimization, and enhancing customer experiences. Conversely, the challenges in the financial sector continuously drive data scientists to innovate and develop methods and tools that can better address business issues.

在2023年10月20-22日,我们将在昆山杜克大学举办第四届会议。 本次会议的主题是“数据科学与金融的融合:开拓创新、迎接挑战”。在当今高度数字化和信息化的时代,数据科学和金融作为两个关键领域,在推动业务发展、决策制定以及风险管理方面扮演着至关重要的角色。数据科学的技术和方法为金融机构提供了更深入的洞察力,有助于精确预测市场趋势、优化投资组合以及改进客户体验。而金融领域的挑战也促使数据科学家不断创新,开发出能够更好地解决业务问题的方法和工具。 


Speaker List 参会名单 

Scientific Committee 学术委员会 

Yongluo Cao 曹永罗(Soochow University 苏州大学)

Jian-Guo Liu 刘建国(Duke University and Duke Kunshan University 杜克大学及昆山杜克大学)

Fei Ma 马飞(Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University 西交利物浦大学)

Xingyue Ye 岳兴业(Soochow University 苏州大学)

Organizers 组织委员会

Jingrun Chen 陈景润(University of Science and Technology of China 中国科技大学)

Qiang Niu 牛强(Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool Universit 西交利物浦大学)

Shixin Xu 徐士鑫(Duke Kunshan University 昆山杜克大学)

Tanran Zhang 张坦然 (Soochow University 苏州大学)

Chao Zhou 周超 (National Unviersity of Singapore 新加坡国立大学)

Sponsors 主办单位








