Research Themes:
Polymer Physics (~1997)
Finace: Credit risk and CDO pricing models (~2008)
Econophysics:Horse race betting and prediction models (~2010)
Econophysics:Information cascade and related stochastic process
Socio-Physics:Social Learning
Socio-Physics:Voter model of Elections
My Citations by Google Scholar
Orcid id: 0000-0001-8279-0437
Journal Papers
Hirosaki University (2017.9.1.-)
14.𝛼 Annealing of ant colony optimization in the infinite-range Ising model,S.Mori, T.Shimizu,M.Hisakado,and K. Nakayama, Phys.Rev.E110, (2024),064112(12pages).
Department of Physics, School of Science, Kitasato University (1997.4.1.-2017.8.31)
18.Information cascade on networks, M.Hisakado and S.Mori , Physica A, vol.450(2016),570-584.
17.Interactive restless multi-armed bandit game and swarm intelligence effect, S.Yoshida, M.Hisakado and S.Mori, New Generation Computing, vol.34, No.3(2016),291-306.
16.Correlation function for generalized Polya urns: Finite-size scaling analysis, S.Mori and M.Hisakado Phys.Rev.E92(2015),052112-052121.
15.Finite-size scaling analysis of binary stochastic processes and universality classes of information cascade phase transition, S.Mori and M.Hisakado, J.Phys.Soc.Jpn.84(2015),054001-054013.
14.Information cascade, Kirman's ant colony model, and kinetic Ising model, M. Hisakado and S.Mori, Physica A417(2015)63-75
13.Collective adoption of Max-Min strategy in an information cascade voting experiment, S.Mori, M. Hisakado and T. Takahashi, J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 82(2013),084004-084013
12.Phase transition to two-peaks phase in an information cascade voting experiment, S.Mori, M. Hisakado and T. Takahashi, Phys.Rev.E86(2012),026109-026118.
11.Two kinds of Phase transitions in a Voting model, M. Hisakado and S.Mori, J.Phys.A,Math.Theor.45(2012),345002-345016.
10.Digital Herders and Phase transition in a Voting model, M. Hisakado and S.Mori, J.Phys.A,Math.Theor.44(2011),275204.
9.Phase transition and information cascade in voting model, M. Hisakado and S.Mori, J.Phys.A,Math.Theor.43(2010),315207.
8.Exact Scale Invariance in Mixing of Binary Candidates in Voting Model, S. Mori and M. Hisakado, J.Phys.Soc.Jpn,79,vol.3(2010)034001-034008.
7.Moody's Correlated Binomial Default Distributions for Inhomogeneous Portfolios, S. Mori, K.Kitsukawa and M. Hisakado, Quantitative Finance, vol.11,No.3(2011),391-405.
6.Correlated Binomial Model on Networks:ネットワーク上の相関のある二項分布, S. Mori and M. Hisakado, 情報処理学会論文誌「数理モデル化と応用」vol.2,No.1,(2009),22-36.
5.Correlation Structures of Correlated Binomial Models and Implied Default Distribution, S. Mori, K. Kitsukawa and M. Hisakado, J.Phys.Soc.Jpn 77,vol.11(2008),114802-114808.
4.Infectious Default Model with Recovery and Continuous Limits,, A. Sakata, M. Hisakado and S. Mori, J.Phys.Soc.Jpn 76(2007),054801-054807.
3.Correlated Binomial models and correlation structures, M.Hisakado, K.Kistukawa and S.Mori, J.Phys.A:Math.Gen.39(2006),15365-15378.
2.Evaluation of tranche in securitization and long-range Ising model, K.Kitsukawa, S.Mori and M.Hisakado, Physica A368(2006),191-206.
1.A Reaction-Diffusion Model for Interference in Meiotic Crossing Over, Y.Fujitani, S.Mori and I.Kobayashi, Genetics 161(2002),365-372.
Guest researcher of SPhT, Saclay, France, 1996.1-1996.7.
3.Folding Transition of the Triangular Lattice with Quenched Random Spontaneous Curvature, S.Mori and E. Guitter, J.Phys.A30(1997)L829-L838.
2.Geometric Phase Transition of the Triangular Lattice in the Face Centered Cubic Lattice, M. Bowick, O.Golinelli, E. Guitter and S.Mori, Nucl.Phys.B495(1997)583-607.
1.Folding of the Triangular Lattice with Quenched Random Bending Rigidity, Ph. Di Francesco, E. Guitter and S.Mori, Phys.Rev.E55(1997)237-251.
Ph.D student and P.D. in Wadati Lab., Univ. of Tokyo, 1991.4.1-1996.3.31.
Ph D Thesis, Polymerized Membranes and Their Phase Transitions,1997.3..
15. Universal Properties of the Reaction Diffusion Process mA+nB-->φ,T.Sasamoto,S.Mori and M.Wadati, Physica A247(1997)357-378.
14.Monte Carlo Study of Self-Avoiding Polymerized Membrane with Negative Bending Rigidity.,S.Mori and S.Komura, J.Phys.A29(1996)7439-7449.
13.Square Lattice with Attractive Interactions,S.Mori and Y.Kajinaga, Phys.Rev.E53(1996)124-133.
12.One-Dimensional Asymmetric Exclusion Model with Open Boundaries, T.Sasamoto, S.Mori and M.Wadati, J.Phys.Soc.Jpn.65(1996)2000-2008.
11.Self-Avoiding Tethered Membrane with Quenched Random Internal Disorders, S.Mori, Phys.Rev.E54(1996) 338-348.
10.Conformation of Self-Avoiding Randomly Tethered Membrane, S.Mori, J.Phys.Soc.Jpn.65(1996)1988-1993.
9.Conformation of Self-Avoiding Randomly Tethered Membrane, S.Mori, Phys.Lett.A207(1995)87-92.
8.Phase Transitions of Polymerized Membranes with Attractive Long-range Interactions, S.Mori and M.Wadati, Phys.Lett.A201(1995)61-65.
7.Dilute and Semi-dilute Solutions of Randomly Polymerized Membranes, S.Mori, K.Kawanishi and M.Wadati, J.Phys.Soc.Jpn.64,No.1,(1995.1),64-77.
6.Crumpling Transiton of Self-Avoiding Tethered Membranes Caused by Screening, K.Kawanishi, S.Mori and M.Wadati, Phys.Lett.A190(1994)439-446.
5.Crumpled Phases of Self-Avoiding Randomly Polymerized Membranes, S.Mori and M.Wadati, Phys.Rev.E50(1994)867-875.
4.Randomly Polymerized Membranes with Long-range Interactions, S.Mori and M.Wadati, Phys.Lett.A,Vol.185,No.2,(1994.2)206-212.
3.Tethered Membranes with Quenched Random Internal Disorders and Long range interactions, S.Mori and M.Wadati, J.Phys.Soc.Jpn.Vol.62,No.11,(1993.11)3864-3873.
2.Spherical Model and Curvature Instability, S.Mori and M.Wadati, J.Phys.Soc.Jpn.,Vol.62,No.10,(1993.10),3565-3574. .
1.Curvature Instability induced by Diffusing Particles, S.Mori and M.Wadati, J.Phy.Soc.Jpn.,Vol.62,No.10,(1993.10),3557-3564.
Proceedings: Peer-reviewed
5.The Impact of Network Structure on Ant Colony Optimization ,T.Shimizu and S.Mori, Proceedings of The 8th International Symposium on Swarm Behavior and Bio-Inspired Robotics, p.82-89.
4.How to collect private signals in information cascade: Empirical Study, K.Takada, M.Hisakado and S.Mori, Proceeding of the NetSci-X 2020, 201-212.
3.Mean Field Voter Model of Election to the House of Representatives in Japan, F. Sano, M. Hisakado and S.Mori, Proceedings of the Asia-Pacific Econophysics Conference 2016(APEC-SSS2016), JPS Conf. Proc. 16, 011016 (2017)[11 pages].
2.Detection of non-self-correcting nature in information cascade, S.Mori, M.Hino, M.Hisakado and T.Takahashi, Proceedings of ECCS 2014, pp 1-10(2016).
1.Polymerized membrane in Poor Solvent, S.Mori and Y.Kajinaga, Progr.Colloid. Polm. Sci.106, pp 277-280 (1997).
Proceedings: No Peer-reviewed
Emergence of scale invariance and efficiency in racetrack betting market,S.Mori and M.Hisakado, Proceedings of the 9th Asia-Pacific Complex Systems Conference Complex 09, pp 258-267(2009).
Statistical Phsyics of Correlated Failure and Defaults, S. Mori and M. Hisakado, Abstract Book of StatPhys 23, (2007).
Reaction-diffusion model for genetic interference, Y.Fujitani, S.Mori and I.Kobayashi, ''Currents in Computational Molecular Biology'', pp 230-231(2000).
Random Folding of the Triangular Lattice: Numerical Study, S.Mori, AIP Conference Proceedings 519, pp 377-379 (1999).
Component Ratios of Independent and Herding Betters in a Racetrack Betting Market, S. Mori and M. Hisakado, arXiv:1006.4884 (2010).
Others (in Japanese)
守、久門、高橋,統計数里研究所共同研究リポート360 経済物理とその周辺(12), pp 87-92, 2016.
守、入江、久門、高橋,統計数里研究所共同研究リポート332 経済物理とその周辺(11), pp 54-65, 2015.
守、入江、久門、高橋,統計数里研究所共同研究リポート311 経済物理とその周辺(10), pp 1-12, 2014.
日野、守,統計数里研究所共同研究リポート209経済物理とその周辺(4),pp 63-74, 2008-3.
橘川、守、久門,統計数里研究所共同研究リポート 187 経済物理とその周辺(2), pp 130-139, 2006-3.
守真太郎,物性研究, Vol. 93 (5), pp 708-709, 2010-02-05.
守、久門,形の科学会誌, Bulletin of the Society for Science on Form, Vol. 23(2), pp 202-203, 2008-11-01.
Folding of the Randomly Triangulated Surface
守,物性研究, Vol. 82(2), pp 326-336, 2004-05-20.
笹本,守,和達,物性研究, Vol. 71(5), pp 902, 1999-02-20.
N-River Meander Problem
守,物性研究, Vol. 71(4), pp 686-687, 1999-01-20.
守,物性研究, Vol.70(1),pp 72-75, 1998-04-20.
守,物性研究,Vol.68 (3),pp 339-342,1997-06-20.
守,和達,科学,Vol.66 (1),pp 38-47,1996-01.